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Your new mods: release your source code!

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08-10-2004, 10:29 AM
When releasing a mod, it would be cool if everyone would include the source code in the download. Source could be added in a folder inside the package called "source". Most of my mods include the souce code but i will review them to make sure that it is included in all of them. Since Bioware didn't do much to help us (in fact nothing :( ). We are a small community and I believe we should help each other by doing this. NWscript.nss is a good ressource but it is also pure chinese for a newbie. It will help people to learn more and make better mods. :)

Of course, it is up to everyone and I cannot force you to do it but I think it would be great if the modders would do this. (hmm...perhaps I could use a bit of lightning against those who don't :dev11: )

BTW, if you would like to release the source code of some mods you already published but don't want to repackage everything, I can host it for you, just send me a pm - my offer stands only for already published mods and pnly for the source code - .
08-10-2004, 10:35 AM
I already do this with all my mods that utilize scripts. I am glad that someone thought to ask everyone to do it, cuz I could definitely use some help learning how to write them :)
08-10-2004, 12:11 PM
Remember, sharing the work will mean more and better mods for everyone in the end.

Good call, Darth333. :)
 Darth Dex
08-10-2004, 12:37 PM
DArth333, put this in You want to MOd SW-Kotor? For newbies. like me lol.
08-10-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Darth Dex
DArth333, put this in You want to MOd SW-Kotor? For newbies. like me lol.
I already added a link in the "Guide for the Newbie" :)
BTW "Do you want to mod SW-Kotor" is by T7nowhere.
 Darth Dex
08-10-2004, 1:13 PM
Always way a head of me. Have a cookie;)
08-10-2004, 1:23 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
I already added a link in the "Guide for the Newbie" :)
BTW "Do you want to mod SW-Kotor" is by T7nowhere.

Can't moderators edit all posts?
08-11-2004, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by StormTrooper789
Can't moderators edit all posts?
Yes but its not polite to edit another Mods post. ;)

I can gaurantee you Darth if i ever have source code for any mods i make ill add it to the zip file.
08-11-2004, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by StormTrooper789
Can't moderators edit all posts?
Yes we can, but I see no reason why I would add this to t7's sticky: he is an active member on the forum and I have no right to play with his posts. He decides what he wants to and and what not. As Jackel said, it is not polite.
I only do some "fat cutting " and edit/delete posts that are offensive or off-topic.

Thanks Jackel and all others who posted and/or published their source :) I hope people will really collaborate. It requires so little to add a folder of already existing files.
08-11-2004, 1:04 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
Thanks Jackel :) I hope people will really collaborate. It requires so little to add a folder of already existing files.

The only reason that I was able to create my Mendah & Telkka Zil NPC mods was that the source code was left in the Hyran Recruit mod. Without that, I probably never even would have tried that type of mod.
08-11-2004, 1:10 AM
Well I think it’s a great idea it helped Achillies make a mod and we should all do it As I worked with Darthh333 and t7 on the Revan Redemption robes the source was released with the mod. If we hold back what we know, then we will not grow and make better mods.

08-11-2004, 1:20 AM
That is the idea: help people do what they want and get some autonomy. I was a noob myself not long ago and it is by reading and by looking at other people's coding (tk102 and Gameunlimited) and the source code available in the game that I figured out how it worked. Before that, I only knew a small bit of Python that had I learned by myself (never took any programming classes whatsoever).
08-11-2004, 1:35 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
That is the idea: help people do what they want and get some autonomy. I was a noob myself not long ago and it is by reading and by looking at other people's coding (tk102 and Gameunlimited) and the source code available in the game that I figured out how it worked. Before that, I only knew a small bit of Python that had I learned by myself (never took any programming classes whatsoever).

Well, I would expect that kind of aptitude from someone who speaks three languages :)

I only know 1 1/3 so don't expect me to stop needing help anytime soon :hehehe:
08-16-2004, 10:49 AM
If I have time, I'll try to regroup some useful and regularly used scripts and release them in package.

Don't bump this thread up just to bump it up: I will bring it up if I feel it is necessary, when there is lots of new people at the foum. I think a lot of people have seen it now, we will see what happens...
08-16-2004, 9:56 PM
Sounds like a great idea Darth333
08-17-2004, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
If I have time, I'll try to regroup some useful and regularly used scripts and release them in package.

Darth333 if you think any of them merit it, and you want to add any of the scripts from the recruit RedHawke mod I sent you in your script pack... its ok by me! :D
 Darth Dex
08-17-2004, 1:54 PM
PLease do D333!
02-18-2005, 11:33 AM
Since we have a lot of new members on the boards and new mods are being released everyday, I thought pulling this old thread out of the dust would be a good idea.

Holowan labs is a place where everyone, from the experienced modder to the total n00b, can come and learn about Kotor/TSL modding, it's not simply a "showroom " for your mods.

We encourage members to help each other and to post their questions and answers on the boards instead of just asking for help via PM. It is very likely to help other people who may have the same questions. Releasing your source code, is also likely to help other modders figure out how things are done :)

(note that bumping a thread is normally agaisnt the forum rules but I am exceptionally doing it for informative reasons).
02-18-2005, 4:08 PM
Perfectly said, and source codes go a long way in making mods, it helps a lot when you don't need to write completely new scripts :D
02-19-2005, 5:16 AM
I'll....i'll wha whatever your your..majesty,p p please dont hit me with lightning! Haha!:D
02-19-2005, 1:26 PM
Originally posted by maverick187
Perfectly said, and source codes go a long way in making mods, it helps a lot when you don't need to write completely new scripts :D

Or When you don't know how to write a new script like me ;)
02-19-2005, 1:45 PM
Originally posted by T7nowhere
Or When you don't know how to write a new script like me ;)

yea, I think I wrote one script by myself, and I only replaced it later with a better script that Darth333 wrote for me...:lol:
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