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Possible Unlimited Levels

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08-09-2004, 2:19 PM
I am not much of a gamer really. My last purchased game was Balders Gate II. However, I played the crap out of it and there were alot of Mods for it.

Now onto the subject. I have a mod right now that is basically an experience cap remover. It is a 2DA file.

I have just begun really modding some very simple stuff in KOTOR, so I am not by any means great at this stuff yet.

I was wondering if someone knew about the Balder Mod and if it could be modified to somehow work in KOTOR?

In my limited capacity, I could help.

If anyone is interested, PM me.
08-09-2004, 2:30 PM
Many people have tried to remove the level 20 cap but no one succeded. T7 has even tried to edit more than 20 files if I remember well. it looks like it is hardcoded :(

Someone posted a mod at but it doesn't work. I think the author never tested it or just wanted to post something for the fun of posting... :rolleyes:
08-09-2004, 2:45 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
Someone posted a mod at but it doesn't work. I think the author never tested it or just wanted to post something for the fun of posting... :rolleyes: [/B]

Yeah, I know about this one. I have been trying to get that one to work.

I am still hoping though. Balders Gate was by BIOWARE as well as KOTOR. Even though they are a couple of years apart, the 2DA files have to be similiar in their makeup. I am going to analyze it.

Just because the level cap hasn't been broken yet, does not mean that it can't be!
08-09-2004, 3:10 PM
Originally posted by nacho35
Just because the level cap hasn't been broken yet, does not mean that it can't be!

That is true. Based on what we've seen though, it is hardcoded, as Darth333 stated. But if the information that we have is wrong and you are successful, then everyone wins right? :)

Good luck to you.
08-09-2004, 3:35 PM
Making a excap remover is easy. Somebody already create this.
I making this for Polish mod. You must edit few 2DA files. Easy
08-09-2004, 3:44 PM
Originally posted by Veldrin
Making a excap remover is easy. Somebody already create this.
I making this for Polish mod. You must edit few 2DA files. Easy

EASY! There have been alot of people who have tried on this forum and been unsuccessful.

Are you saying that someone has done this for KOTOR? I hope you don't mean the one posted @ PCgamemods. That one doesn't work.

If you have one or can accomplish this, I hope you post it.

The exp cap mod for Balders Gate may have been easy, but KOTOR is looking like it is another story altogether.
08-09-2004, 3:55 PM
I must be missing something.

Unless you change the leveling structure, the most your going to get out of removing the cap is 1, MAYBE 2 levels. Seems like an awful lot of trouble for very little reward to me. Hence why I think I've got to be missing something :)
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