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The Scoundrel Blaster Pack by Achilles is available for download

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08-09-2004, 2:58 AM
Please visit my site and click on the Ranged Weapon link to find the download.

From the readme:

Scoundrel Blaster Pack by Achilles

Special thanks to stingerhs for inspiring me to knock the dust off this old mod and publish it.


Item Properties

*Mission's Blaster*

<Taris, Undercity - Found in Mission Vao's inventory>

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol

Damage: Energy, 4-9

Range: 10m

Critical Threat: 19-20,x2

Attack Modifier: +1

Upgradeable, Ranged

Working with few resources and the help of her brother, Griff, Mission Vao turned this basic blaster into an exceptional weapon almost as adaptable as she is.


*Galduran's Heavy Blaster*

<Tatooine, Anchorhead Cantina - Purchased from Junix Nard>

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol

Damage: Energy, 4-11

Range: 10m

Critical Threat: 20-20,x2

Attack Modifier: +3

Upgradeable, Ranged

Most Scoundrels know that there is no match for having a good blaster at your side and Galduran Calrissian was no exception. His most prized posession, he vowed that the only way he would part ways with this blaster is if someone pried it from his cold, dead hand.


Creator's Notes

I created these weapons because I couldn't figure out why Bioware gave Mission high dexterity (making her perfect for Ranged Weapons), but turned around and put a 10 meter limit on Sneak Attack and a 23 meter range on blasters.

It made sense to me that if wanted to maximize Mission's combat potential, I was going to have to take matters into my own hands. Both of these weapons are upgradeable. I tried to use existing ranged weapons as a baseline, however at the onset I knew that I wanted to make them more powerful than the blasters that the creators gave us.


Files Modified

g_w_blstrpstl099.uti - Mission's Blaster

g_w_hvyblstr98.uti - Galduran's Heavy Blaster

baseitems.2da - Included new entries for short range blasters and heavy blasters

kas_junixstore.utm - Placeable for Galduran's Heavy Blaster

p_mission.utc - Placeable for Mission's Blaster
*Note - Mission will actually have this weapon equipped when she joins your party
08-09-2004, 5:46 AM
A lot of mods you're doing. Good work.
08-09-2004, 6:04 AM
Originally posted by Darth_ToMeR
A lot of mods you're doing. Good work.

Two of them were mods that I made about a couple months ago but never released, one was an item that only needed a placeable, the fourth was the only one that I had to do any real work on :D

Now the website...that's been a little bit of work.
08-09-2004, 10:07 AM
Two of them were mods that I made about a couple months ago but never released, one was an item that only needed a placeable, the fourth was the only one that I had to do any real work on

Oh I see. You were sandbagging!

I looked at this forum yesterday and hardly nothing new. Today, like 5 new mods.

I have always been a sucker for a good blaster!
 Darth Dex
08-09-2004, 10:29 AM
Cool Achiclles!
08-09-2004, 10:55 AM
Wow another mod! You are very prolific Achillies :D Keep up the good work! It's always nice to have new mods coming out :)
 Colma Adawin
08-09-2004, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Achillies
Two of them were mods that I made about a couple months ago but never released

WTF!?!?! THATS YOU AND Doom_Dealer that have made mods but not released them. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :D:D


anyway, back on-topic :p

Love the Weaponry Achillies, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep them coming, but if you've got a Bigger Mod idea dont forget to work on that :p

Good luck on future Productions, though i doubt you or the other major modders need it :D

08-09-2004, 2:54 PM
Originally posted by MattColejk
WTF!?!?! THATS YOU AND Doom_Dealer that have made mods but not released them. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :D:D

I orginally got about 90% of the way throught them and then something shiny caught my attention and it was all over.

I began experimenting with utc files....making NPC's jedi and stuff....and blasters seemed like less and less of a priority.

If it hadn't been for Stingerhs throwing down the gauntlet, I probably would have deleted the mod without ever finishing it.

Kudos to him.
08-09-2004, 2:56 PM
btw, for those of you haven't had the chance to test these out, they make Mission a bas-@$$. You might not want to leave her on the Ebon Hawk anymore :)
08-09-2004, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by Achillies
If it hadn't been for Stingerhs throwing down the gauntlet, I probably would have deleted the mod without ever finishing it.

Kudos to him.

I'm glad Stingerhs did that as well! :D

And Achillies I just played with the Blasters a little today...

Very Nice! :D
08-10-2004, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by Achillies
If it hadn't been for Stingerhs throwing down the gauntlet, I probably would have deleted the mod without ever finishing it.

Kudos to him.

well, i didn't know i would make such a stir... thanx guys. :D btw, achillies, i very much like the blasters (dang, didn't even think mission could fight that good ;P ). my pack should be released soon, as long as i can find the time. i got way 2 much 2 do this week. kinda like maverick now that i think about it...
08-10-2004, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by RedHawke
I'm glad Stingerhs did that as well! :D

And Achillies I just played with the Blasters a little today...

Very Nice! :D

Fun aren't they *evil grin*
08-10-2004, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by stingerhs
well, i didn't know i would make such a stir... thanx guys. :D btw, achillies, i very much like the blasters (dang, didn't even think mission could fight that good ;P ). my pack should be released soon, as long as i can find the time. i got way 2 much 2 do this week. kinda like maverick now that i think about it...

Looking forward to seeing your new set.
08-10-2004, 8:31 PM
I noticed a few things last night regarding this mod. First off I forgot to build placeables for both weapons and second, I think I might have made the heavy blaster too powerful. I'll probably spend some time working on version 2 over the next few days but I did want to make one last solicitation for feedback before I do.

To get you all started: What do you think about restricting them to Scoundrels?

08-11-2004, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by Achillies
I noticed a few things last night regarding this mod. First off I forgot to build placeables for both weapons and second, I think I might have made the heavy blaster too powerful. I'll probably spend some time working on version 2 over the next few days but I did want to make one last solicitation for feedback before I do.

To get you all started: What do you think about restricting them to Scoundrels?


if ya just pm the spot ya have in mind, i can make my own. oh yeah, definately restrict them to scoundrels. it just gives them the advantage in combat that they've never had before. as for everyone else in your party, let them have their laser swords or blasters so they can come in for backup. :D
08-11-2004, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by stingerhs
if ya just pm the spot ya have in mind, i can make my own. oh yeah, definately restrict them to scoundrels. it just gives them the advantage in combat that they've never had before. as for everyone else in your party, let them have their laser swords or blasters so they can come in for backup. :D

Mission's blaster is going into her inventory.

The heavy blaster is going on a corpse somewhere...I think. Possibly Tattoine. Dunno yet.

And consider the item restriction done :D
08-11-2004, 4:53 AM
Hi everyone,

Upon closer inspection it seems that I may have gone a little overboard with v.1. I spent some time tweaking these blasters today to make them a little more reasonable.

I've update the original message with the new stats and download instructions.

While you're at the site, check out the Republic Blasters that I put up today. I think you might like them :D

PS: It isn't in the readme, but both of these blasters are now restricted to Scoundrels.
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