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Revan's Armor + Mask ANIMATED?

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 Darth Seth
08-07-2004, 9:05 AM
Hi my friends!

im looking for a mod that gives me darth revans armor + mask. ive already found some, but they all arent animated. is there a mod with an animated one?

greetz: Darth Seth:lightning
08-07-2004, 9:20 AM
It is my understanding that the model for this game hasn't been broken yet. Alas, no animation. I think I also heard that since Revan's robe and mask were only in the cutscene they weren't completely finished. Take that with a grain of salt.
08-07-2004, 3:05 PM
08-07-2004, 4:43 PM
Originally posted by Darth Seth
Hi my friends!

im looking for a mod that gives me darth revans armor + mask. ive already found some, but they all arent animated. is there a mod with an animated one?

greetz: Darth Seth:lightning

What do you mean by "animated"? Every Revan mod I've seen has animations, so I guess I'm confused about what you're looking for.
 Darth Seth
08-07-2004, 5:52 PM
well yeah but not ccomplete. the cape for example.
08-07-2004, 6:11 PM
Originally posted by Darth Seth
well yeah but not ccomplete. the cape for example.

Because of where we're at with models, the cape issue isn't going anywhere anytime soon. There is a capeless version of the robes that you can find and download.

Was there something other than the cape that I can help you with?
08-07-2004, 7:04 PM
Ok import revan model 022 in to gmax and you will see over 1000 helper objects That a S*@# load and :confused: 3 versions of envelopes the cape has got 5 envelopes going down it So all the info is there the only thing is it’s only called on in the cut scene for the first star map. And no animation can be exported yet , and Revan’s default animation do not import another big problem…sigh*

I have been working on this for awhile but as the skin mesh for Bastila didn’t work
and I have been working on other item models that as it turns out there is a bit of a UV mapping issue. that ‘s being looked in to, As for all the other character models they have a grand total of 200 helpers give or take so feel free to take a stab it.

Oh and on top or all of that, there is no way to combine dangly mesh / aka flex mesh and skin mesh as Revan’s cape is skin mesh.

08-07-2004, 7:21 PM
Originally posted by svцsh

I have been working on this for awhile but as the skin mesh for Bastila didn’t work
Hehehe I remember this screenshot :D ...perhaps someone who wishes to create a new area could use it to make a forest :p
08-11-2004, 1:18 AM
Darth that would be a real high poly forest :p
08-11-2004, 1:26 AM
Originally posted by svцsh
Darth that would be a real high poly forest :p

Well....T7 is making an axe....
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