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New Doors

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08-06-2004, 7:05 PM
Okay .. I've read a lot about doors and I'm sure I can put a new door into the game. What I want to know is if I can just put it in any wall and have it work the same as an original game door or if I have to use an existing arch for it.
08-06-2004, 8:27 PM
I don't know too much about doors, but I am farily sure you need to put it in an existing archway for it to look right.
08-06-2004, 9:17 PM
Doors are simple placeables so you can place them anywhere.

Proof: :D

However, as Maverick said, you may have an aesthetic problem :p
 Darth Dex
08-07-2004, 7:22 AM
You used that when I was stupid and could spawn a door right. I can't belive you still have it!
08-07-2004, 8:27 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
Doors are simple placeables so you can place them anywhere.

Proof: :D

However, as Maverick said, you may have an aesthetic problem :p
You can enter this door after you move it?
08-07-2004, 9:32 AM
Originally posted by Darth Dex
You used that when I was stupid and could spawn a door right. I can't belive you still have it!
I got the link from the other thread :D photobucket gives you 100megs to upload pics so i don't bother deleting them!

Originally posted by Darth_Tomer
You can enter this door after you move it?!
Of course! :D you can even walk around if you wish :p
08-07-2004, 3:02 PM
So you can duplicate a door and use it to enter other module?
08-07-2004, 3:17 PM
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