Note: LucasForums Archive Project
The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

This project is meant for research purposes only.


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08-05-2004, 4:39 PM
is the pcgame mods down sorry if im posting in the wrong place but when i get there and i click on kotor it gives me the website cant be displayed it also does that when i click on the other games or contact is it working for anyone else?
08-05-2004, 4:49 PM
works for me
08-05-2004, 4:58 PM
08-05-2004, 5:33 PM
It's also been discussed in the where can I host my download? sticky.
 Colma Adawin
08-05-2004, 5:54 PM
it should work, try a direct link:

but i've heard that Darth333's methods will work, but try the link i've supplied, and i've also heard ppl can use PCGM through Media Player type applications? hmmm i dont know, try the link if that dont work use Darth333's methods if not already

08-06-2004, 9:14 PM
the direct link doesent work and i'll try your way thanks darth333 and matt.
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