Built a new pc with an Intel 800EB PIII, 128 Meg Memory, Asus V6800 GeForce DDR Video, and Windows ME. Also, have a Sound Blaster Live PCI card and you MUST download the 25 meg update of Liveware for Windows ME. Bummer. RS loaded and ran Ambush with no problem except when I started a second session and hit Escape to abort the game, the selection buttons went nuts. They kept tabbing to one button after another and I could not get it to quit. Had to reboot the PC. Have not gone in since. Remember having problems with an old Dos game (original A10 tank killer) when I ran it on a 166 pentium. Processor speed was too fast. Would by 800mhz on a 133fsb be too fast for RS? Also, what file(s) do I copy over to the new PC to keep by present levels? Thanks.
Well, RS developed long before Windows ME and not supported by Lucas Arts for this game that I know of, sorry. I have no idea how to get it to work for Windows ME and I doubt anybody else can either. I use Win98 SE and it works great. As for file to copy for save games, I'm online at work right now, can post file name after I get home.
Ties are flies, swat'em!
I think ME is ok, but I was wondering what others are using for processor speeds with RS. It is possible for RS not to be able to run correctly with really fast processors since the minimum requirement I believe was only 200mhz and that is with a 66fsb. These newer computers are 800 plus mhz and 133 or higher front side bus. That's a lot of difference in processor power.
I would think the faster processers would help RS run, not hurt. I don't see how they could be too fast, yet. I have Pentium III 550 mhz with 100 mhz front bus, and RS runs beautifully. I'm sure it is problem with the OS, Windows ME. RS was never designed to run on it. If you think it is the faster processors, then only real test wwould be to try running RS on latest boards under Win98.
Ties are flies, swat'em!
Found the problem. Replaced the Pro Raider joystick that I was testing the PC with an old original Microsoft Sidewinder joystick (non digital). Played the first two episodes without any problems and can access the abort game screen without problems. Old joystick was advancing to each button on it's own even though it calibrated ok. Soooo, I guess you can say that RS should work ok with Windows Millineum and faster processor. I need to get a better joystick as the throttle isn't working. The Naboo was passed by a Volkswagon. I can still use some help as to which files I need to transfer from one PC to another with the player info. Thanks and may the force be with you. (can't wait for the sequel to RS next year).
Asus CUSL2 815E/ 128 Meg. Crucial 133 2-2-2 /
IBM 15 Gig 100ATA / Sound Blaster Live / US Robotics V90 Internal / Mitsubishi 710 17" Diamond Pro / Asus V6800 256 G Force with 32 meg DDR
The lesson learned here: Always make sure you have all parts to play RS on your computer
RJ, sorry for the wait. The files with your RS game saves should be in the following location (assuming default install location):
C:\Program Files\LucasArts\ROGUE\Player Profiles\Player_xx.sav
xx = 01 - 12. Should be same order you see in RS selection screen. But maybe not with players deleted and added over time.
Ties are flies, swat'em!
Thanks Gold Squadron Leader.