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List of useful script to dialog

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08-04-2004, 7:48 AM
In poland We are creating a very big mod with dialogs, items, quests and area. I have a request for script writing people on the holowan labs.

I nead a list of useful script etc. NPC give me money, write new quest in journal, when I have a item( etc. Mandalorin Helm) the dialog is other, gaiden exp points.

You now, I like to create a quest like this at the Dantooin in the game( Mandalorina quest). NPC please would kill Mandalorina group, and when I back with Mandalorina Item they gives me some money and exp points.

I know how to create area, dialog, NPC only I nead is

List of useful script to dialog

08-04-2004, 8:43 AM
Help Please!!!
 Darth Dex
08-04-2004, 9:03 AM
lol...that was only a hour later. Don't worry Darth333 or Stromtrooper783 (I think it's 783) will help you there the scipt masters of the group.
08-04-2004, 9:11 AM
Here's the money one(it's very simple):
void main()
object oPC=GetFirstPC();


BTW: Darth Dex, it's 789! :)
08-04-2004, 9:39 AM
Thanks, but I nead more. I like to create a Quest! I have question at this script. When I use it NPC gives me gold or I give someone gold?
08-04-2004, 9:42 AM
It will appear as the NPC will give you credits. You'll get 200.
08-04-2004, 10:17 AM

I still need :

- inscription into journal
- gives exp
- gaiden light side point
- gaiden dark side point

(later I will write more)


void main()
object oPC=GetFirstPC();


Gives my 200 exp.?
08-04-2004, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Veldrin

I still need :

- inscription into journal
- gives exp
- gaiden light side point
- gaiden dark side point

(later I will write more)

- Inscription into journal: I made a tutorial sometime ago. Look at this thread:
- Give xp:
Example for plot xp: (this gives 350xp)

void main()

Normal xp (I'm not sure of this one - I don't have nwscript with me to verify the syntax - but if i remember correctly is GiveXPtoCreature and not GiveEXPToCreature - I'll confirm this this when I get home) - the script should give 200 xp, if you write 20, you'll have 20xp - :

void main()
object oPC=GetFirstPC();


- gain ls or ds points:
You can simply type the following entries in the script field of a dialog file - no need to add anything else in the override folder - they refer to the game default scripts and it makes a less messy override folder ;) :

for ds points:

for ls points:
08-04-2004, 11:22 AM
Thanks a lot. But I find a script of exp at - .

Pretty easy. Thanks.


I nead Add Journal Quest Entry script. Help!
08-04-2004, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Veldrin
I nead Add Journal Quest Entry script. Help!

Did you look at this thread?

Everything to add new journal entries is there. If you need more details, pls, mention what point you want to clarify.
08-04-2004, 2:14 PM
Thanks. :) I need one more thing.

A script witch add a new reply to dialog, when we have a detemined item. etc. When we have "Mandalorian Head" in dialog we can choice " Yes we killed a Mandalorian group". I need this to quests.
08-04-2004, 2:58 PM
You can check my recruitable Dustil mod if you want.
You have to set a global variable when you get the head, per example:

SetGlobalNumber("MY_PLOT", 1);

and then, just add a conditional script in the active field of the 'RepliesList' in the EntryList that checks where your global is and, depending on the result, make those replies available or not:

int StartingConditional()
int nResult = GetGlobalNumber("MY_PLOT");
if nResult == 1
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
08-04-2004, 5:00 PM
Thanks, I have a question. Could I can decopiler the script? You now NSC to NSS?
08-04-2004, 5:05 PM
Originally posted by Veldrin
Could I can decopiler the script? You now NSC to NSS?
You can decompile a script with HazardX compiler/decompiler but you wont have a nss file: the info you will have will be limited to the main functions that are called.

See this thread:
08-05-2004, 6:00 AM
I have questcion with global.jrl file.

1) I open it usiing GFFeditor, and I saw first line "0" .
What is the "TAG" etc. tat18ac_dragonhunt - is it quest tag, script tag??

2) EntryList- is it the tekst that show in Journal??
08-05-2004, 9:39 AM
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