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Recruitable Character Glitch!?!

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08-04-2004, 1:25 AM
ok i have a big problem, i am at the star forge but when i go thro the door and when it is saposto show the vid of malak telling the guy to use the droids but it gets cut of a the start. then when i move on and go throw 1 of the other doors were the droids are saposto attack you but the just stand there and i cant get past the or attack them.
Now i think this has some thing to do with the recruitable characters. cuz the 1st time i tryed with the dustil mod (my party was me, Bastala, and dustil). So i started a new game useing the sith armada insteand. and it did the same thing(party was me, bastila and darth Stryker).
i think it is the recruit mod that are doing it. has any one elts had this happen to them and does any 1 know how to fix it?
08-04-2004, 1:39 AM
it happened to me as well...i had to cheat...i hate cheating...i also had a glitch where when trask was supposed to sacrifice himself he said his little bit and then kept standing there swinging his arms...i had to cheat to get past THAT too...
08-04-2004, 1:50 AM
how do you get past it ?

how do you delete all those cuz i am sorry i hit the buten that many times cuz it was taling for ever
08-04-2004, 2:31 AM
were all five posts really necessary?
08-04-2004, 2:34 AM
like i said i srewed up. sorry
08-04-2004, 2:57 AM
i used warp cheat to skip to the next area
08-04-2004, 3:04 AM
well you can always delete unneeded posts.....
08-04-2004, 3:04 AM
what would the next area be ?
08-04-2004, 3:15 AM
Originally posted by Revan23
how do you delete all those cuz i am sorry i hit the buten that many times cuz it was taling for ever

Hit the edit icon for each post, its at the bottom of the posts between rate and quote.

On the editing screen that comes up near the top is a checkbox to delete the post, do this for all the junk posts and youre done! :D

And Revan23 instead of cluttering up the boards with these threads you have been posting you should have been posting these in the thread for the mod;

Sith Armada Thread (
08-04-2004, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Revan23
ok i have a big problem, i am at the star forge but when i go thro the door and when it is saposto show the vid of malak telling the guy to use the droids but it gets cut of a the start. then when i move on and go throw 1 of the other doors were the droids are saposto attack you but the just stand there and i cant get past the or attack them.
Now i think this has some thing to do with the recruitable characters. cuz the 1st time i tryed with the dustil mod (my party was me, Bastala, and dustil). So i started a new game useing the sith armada insteand. and it did the same thing(party was me, bastila and darth Stryker).
i think it is the recruit mod that are doing it. has any one elts had this happen to them and does any 1 know how to fix it?
Honestly I never played the game until the end with a custom recruit. I believe this could happen with all the recruitable mods: has anyone else experience this with another recruitable mod?
It's probably due to a script in the game that checks who is with you :confused: .
Revan23: could you indicate me the last line of spoken dialog before the glitch occurs - even if it's in a cutscene - and the name of the speaker: this will help me identify the problematic script much faster.
08-04-2004, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
Honestly I never played the game until the end with a custom recruit. I believe this could happen with all the recruitable mods: has anyone else experience this with another recruitable mod?
It's probably due to a script in the game that checks who is with you :confused: .
Revan23: could you indicate me the last line of spoken dialog before the glitch occurs - even if it's in a cutscene - and the name of the speaker: this will help me identify the problematic script much faster.

I recently played through with 2 of my custom NPC's with no problems. Once I beat malak though, there was no cutscene at the end *shrug*.
08-04-2004, 12:16 PM
If you don't have problems Achillies, then Revan23's problems are probably due to another mod: do you any other mods that have .utc file in them that would have the same name as the sith apprentice's or malak's .utc file per example? That could well be the cause of your problems.
 JediKnight Zero
08-04-2004, 1:58 PM
yes i aswell have exprienced this problem, but i was able to get past the robots with no trouble. i just continued to run towards them and i squeezed in, but most of the cut scenes are gone.i would know which mod it would be since i have so many. but i bare with it i could continue to tinker with the game with different mods to see the problem if that would be any help
08-04-2004, 2:25 PM
Originally posted by JediKnight Zero
yes i aswell have exprienced this problem, but i was able to get past the robots with no trouble. i just continued to run towards them and i squeezed in, but most of the cut scenes are gone.i would know which mod it would be since i have so many. but i bare with it i could continue to tinker with the game with different mods to see the problem if that would be any help

Try it again without the Sith Armada Mod and see if it works. Darth333 mentions utc files with malak tags and I'm pretty sure that the SA mod has a malak character. Let me know if that works.
08-04-2004, 2:37 PM
This file in the Sith Armada mod look a little dubious to me: k_sta_darkjed001.utc. I'll check that when I get home. The one for the Malak character has a unique name and t3m4's tag so it shouldn't be a problem.

It could be any mod with a .utc file in it an not necessarily a recruitable mod. If you experience this with the Dustil mod, the problem is probalby caused by another mod: there is no Dustil character on the Star Forge. I suggest you check the names of the .utc files you have in your override folder and post the names of the .utcs and the mod they belong to if you can.
08-04-2004, 9:40 PM
Ok I have had the exact same problem as you Revan23 the reason was I added a light saber and an advanced med pack to the sith apprentice for the endarspir n_sithappren001.utc found in end_m01aa_s.rim you know the first evil sith to get killed in the cut scene on the endarspir by the female jedi. Anyways on the Star forge when the cut scene was supposed to happen it didn’t… and the droids never came at all.

I know this has nothing to do with the Sith armada mod but I felt you should know that it can be any utc in there causing it to happen as darth333 pointed out in fact when I warped to deck2 there was malak mute and just standing there and the funniest thing was the sithappren001 [ bald bandon look alike ] was fighting dark jedi and helping me lol he even took out the gun turret’s for me what a nice guy :D

I fixed it by deleting the n_sithappren001.utc from my override and it worked fine after.

 JediKnight Zero
08-25-2004, 8:40 PM
i dont have the sith armada mod, lol given the fact i dislike the sith. but if u know there is a patch that corrects the error in the cut scenes. i found out it was Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack mod that i downloaded. but i dont know if this is but ya. lol
08-25-2004, 9:07 PM
Didn't RedHawke release a patch for his mod to stop errors like that from poppin up? Maybe it was for a different error on the star forge. Anyways, did you get the patch ( for his mod?
 JediKnight Zero
08-25-2004, 9:12 PM
yes thats the one, it works perfectly too, all the cut scenes are there
08-26-2004, 1:21 AM
Originally posted by FiEND_138
Didn't RedHawke release a patch for his mod to stop errors like that from poppin up? Maybe it was for a different error on the star forge. Anyways, did you get the patch ( for his mod?

Thank you FiEND the more people to spread the word the better! :D

And I'm glad you finally got the problem all sorted out JediKnight Zero! :D
08-26-2004, 2:32 AM
I was just thinking that this sounds like the problem that I had with taking Carth into the temple on the unknown world.(i had turned Carth into a jedi.) The cutscenes were all glitchie and Jolee was at the top when i got there even though I had left him on the Ebon Hawke.

The game's scripting only allows for certain characters to be in there. I feel sure that is what the problem is here! Try going into the Star Forge with only Bioware made NPC's and tell us if that solves the problem?:)

- JediGabe
08-26-2004, 3:38 AM
Uh... JediGabe... What are you referring to? :eyeraise:

The files that were the problem for Revan23 and JediKnight Zero were the ones for the Jedi and the Sith that fight on the Endar Spire, they are n_sithappren01.utc and n_sithappren02.utc, those 2 files are the ones that break the Star Forge cutscene.

Also how did you get Carth into the Unknown World Temple? Inquiring minds want to know! :D

It is scripted to have Jolee and Juhani (If she lives) go with you.

The Jolee in the Temple requirement is the primary reason my recruit mod had to be patched so many times.
08-26-2004, 4:40 AM
Originally posted by RedHawke
Uh... JediGabe... What are you referring to? :eyeraise:

The files that were the problem for Revan23 and JediKnight Zero were the ones for the Jedi and the Sith that fight on the Endar Spire, they are n_sithappren01.utc and n_sithappren02.utc, those 2 files are the ones that break the Star Forge cutscene.

Also how did you get Carth into the Unknown World Temple? Inquiring minds want to know! :D

It is scripted to have Jolee and Juhani (If she lives) go with you.

The Jolee in the Temple requirement is the primary reason my recruit mod had to be patched so many times.

Ooops! My bad! I am running on 4 and half hours sleep in the last 48! :o
So my brain is moosh!:)

- JediGabe
08-26-2004, 5:08 AM
Originally posted by JediGabe
Ooops! My bad! I am running on 4 and half hours sleep in the last 48! :o
So my brain is moosh!:)

- JediGabe

Its all right... I feel your pain... er'... sleep deprivation! :D
08-26-2004, 7:35 AM
Wow - I thought there was something different about you, Darth333...NICE icon!!! It's so much more refreshing looking at your new icon as opposed to looking down the barrel of your blaster with the old icon *chuckles*
08-26-2004, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by RedHawke

Also how did you get Carth into the Unknown World Temple? Inquiring minds want to know! :D

It is scripted to have Jolee and Juhani (If she lives) go with you.

The Jolee in the Temple requirement is the primary reason my recruit mod had to be patched so many times.
As Redhake says, I don't see how you could have brought Carth in the Temple unless by warping or changing Juhani's or Jolee's appearance...
...still looking at the temple summit problem, I just did not have much time to do this over the few last weeks :( (I wish days had hours!)
Originally posted by CDRSeadog
Wow - I thought there was something different about you, Darth333...NICE icon!!! It's so much more refreshing looking at your new icon as opposed to looking down the barrel of your blaster with the old icon *chuckles*
Thanks. Some clones were growing up so I had to change my avatar. Glad you like it, all the credits go to Master svцsh :)
08-27-2004, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
As Redhake says, I don't see how you could have brought Carth in the Temple unless by warping or changing Juhani's or Jolee's appearance...
...still looking at the temple summit problem, I just did not have much time to do this over the few last weeks :( (I wish days had hours!)

Now Darth333 don't go loosing a lot of sleep over it... its bad for the health you know! :D
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