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Need help with Sith Armada mod!!!

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08-03-2004, 10:47 PM
ok i have 2 proplems i got darth maul and the other girl but maul is invisable all i can see are his eyes and teeth. now the big problem, i can get Sideius only fight him cuz i cant find the holo the readme says you have to talk to .
08-03-2004, 11:21 PM
ive found in my experience that the sith armada mod basically has soooo many glitches...u'd be way better off getting the recruitable RedHawke or Darth Bandon or Suvam Tam mod...waaaay better recruits than sith armada
08-03-2004, 11:52 PM
can any one HELP! me?
08-04-2004, 1:21 AM
i told u! they are glitches, bad code, wrongly done, not known how to fix, probably specific to ur case...get some better recruits
08-04-2004, 1:27 AM
never mind.
08-04-2004, 1:47 AM
Originally posted by Glamador
i told u! they are glitches, bad code, wrongly done, not known how to fix, probably specific to ur case...get some better recruits
Have you bothered to inform the mod maker of the "glitches" "bad code" etc ? Because if you havent and are telling folks to not DL it maybe you should tell the actual maker of the problems first rather then complaining about the mod to others.
08-04-2004, 10:34 AM
The code in Sith Armada is exactly the same as in the other recruitment mods (simple recruit, spawning and a talk fight talk sequence). Perhaps it is a problem concerning where the scripts are attached (dialog branch that you can bypass per example), i don't know, i haven't check this. The other possibility is that there is something missing in the package made by Darth Straker. I tested Sidious and I never had any problems spawning or recruiting him but I have another package because i was helping DS with his mod at that time.

Concerning Darth Maul, I cannot help you: texturing is definitely not my area. I made a few attempts but nothing publishable :rolleyes: (not enough time to do everything :( )

Glamador, when you say there are many glitches, could you describe them please.
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