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2DA Question

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08-03-2004, 2:26 PM
Does anyone know what the column in the appearance 2DA file the neutral alignment is? I am trying to take a couple of elements from one character to add to another. I like the darkside transition from one character and I want to add it to a neutral character.

Or, if it would be easier, I could just edit the alignment, but alas, I am not sure how to do that. (':confused:')
08-03-2004, 2:43 PM
Originally posted by nacho35
Does anyone know what the column in the appearance 2DA file the neutral alignment is? I am trying to take a couple of elements from one character to add to another. I like the darkside transition from one character and I want to add it to a neutral character.

Or, if it would be easier, I could just edit the alignment, but alas, I am not sure how to do that. (':confused:')

I'm at work, so I can't help with the 2da question right now, but I can help with the alignment. If you extract the character's .utc file you should see an entry labeled "Good/Evil" (pretty sure I'm remembering this correctly). Anyways, it's a 1-100 scale and the lower the number, the closer they are to the dark side. The higher the number, the closer to LS and so on. Carth and Bastila weigh in at 70. Mission is 75. Zaalbar is 60 and Jolee is 55. I think Juhani is in the 70's somewhere, but I can't remember of the top of my head. I think Canderous is 20.

Edit this number and you can edit a character's LS/DS alignment. I hope this helps
08-03-2004, 3:37 PM
For heads transitions, you will have to edit heads.2da. The first column is for good if i recall and the 4 columns beside it is for the ds transitions.
For appearance 2da, the only thing that changes is the underwear. Look at this tutorial made by t7 :
08-03-2004, 5:09 PM
Man, that tutorial is great! How did I miss seeing that link over the past few months? Appreciate the help!
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