hey, is there a way to get rid of the way (im not sure how to explain this but)
The bespin and yavin water make a map/object all blue/green when it's near the water. Meaning the model in map becomes all blue when its near the water, (it kinda wrecks the image of it... so is there a way to somehow get rid of it ?
The water in the commons isn't what i want (cuz of the way it moves)
Maybe there is another shader that has the same water type effects as the bespon water but doesn't turn its serroundings all blue
(or green for yavin water)
1. Try a different water?
2. Modify the shader?
Post the appropriate water shader here and maybe someone versed in shaders can figure it out *ie, not me* *lol*
This must befor JK2 game because that doesn't happen anymore with JA shaders that I'm aware of. Yes you may have to modify a shader and get rid of any FOG parameters.
qer_editorimage textures/JediHome/water1
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm nonopaque
surfaceparm water
surfaceparm fog
surfaceparm trans
q3map_material Water
fogparms ( 0.113725 0.137255 0.380392 ) 1024.0
map textures/JediHome/water1
rgbGen exactVertex
alphaGen const 0.2
tcMod scroll 0.005 0.01
tcMod turb 1 0.03 0 0.3
map textures/JediHome/water1
rgbGen exactVertex
alphaGen const 0.2
tcMod scroll -0.005 -0.01
tcMod turb 0 -0.03 0.5 -0.3
this is the water shader im trying to use for water, (it makes the water movements but its in a solid form, meaning its solid.
What do i do to make it non solid?
Point 1
Originally posted by lauser
get rid of any FOG parameters.
Point 2, caulk the other sides of your brush (not the upper or undersides) with caulk_nonsolid... I believe.
alright well ill tell u my idea, it was to create a custom bancta tank, so when u neter the glass goes down as the water goes up, so all sides have to visible ...
Okay again is this for JK2? You didn't specify. Also, if you are using JK2 you need to use caulk_nonsolid for your brush then cover the TOP and BOTTOM of your brush with water texture.
For JA game you use caulk_water for the brush and ONLY cover the top.
yeah sry this is for JA, but now how do i get rid of the WARNING:Texture has lightmap but no lightmap stage
when i load the map that appears like 3 dozen times.
(with that custom water texture)
is there something i have to type in the shader?
this is my shader
qer_editorimage textures/JediHome/water_1
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm water
surfaceparm fog
surfaceparm trans
q3map_material Water
fogparms ( 0.115098 0.122157 0.0431373 ) 128.0
map textures/JediHome/water_1
rgbGen exactVertex
alphaGen const 0.9
tcMod turb 0 0.08 0.04 0.08
tcMod scroll -0.05 -0.001
tcMod scale 3 3
map textures/JediHome/water_1
alphaGen const 0.33
tcMod turb 0 0.08 0.04 0.08
tcMod scale 3 3
map textures/JediHome/water_1
tcMod scroll 0.05 0.1
tcMod scale 3 3
map textures/common/stars
blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
rgbGen wave sin 0 1 0 0.5
anybody know? this is the only thing preventing me from releasing my map...
alright nvm its good