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My custom lightsaber won't turn off

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 Meatloaf Cat
07-27-2004, 4:37 PM
I spent a few days searching the forums and couldn't find this, so sorry if it has been dealt with already.

I created a custom light saber with a great deal of help from T7 and Achilles's excellent walkthroughs. It works fine with no conflicts, but every time I enter a new area in the game, the light saber is on. To be more specific: the graphics for the light saber blade show, but there is no sound and if I press x or attack an enemy the saber does the turn on animation before I can use it.

I'm thinking this might be some sort of a script or a simple step I overlooked. However I have been going over this for almost a week now with no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated
 Darth Dex
07-27-2004, 5:19 PM
hmm..Lord of the Bathnas should know. Or Maverick. Sorry I'm bad at textureing them I don't know anything else. Wait but the Mantle of the force doesn't turn off either! Unless you use the spinning move first try that.
 Meatloaf Cat
07-27-2004, 5:28 PM
It's just kinda annoying because all the other custom sabers work fine, so I know there is something missing somewhere. I'll keep picking at my brain and Kotor files for now.

Thanks for the info on the MoF, I never noticed that myself, but I did patch my game early.
07-27-2004, 6:11 PM
Yes it is annoying and it has happened to me one time before, but the only way I could completely fix it was to scrap the thing and start over again. This was way back when I was just starting out so I didn't know how to hex edit the .mdl file properly and I am willing to bet that the problem lies with-in the .mdl file. However it hasn't happened to me since so I can't pin point the problem. Your best solution is to scrap the saber and make it again, also don't use g_w_lghtsbr01.uti or w_lghtsbr001.mdl/.mdx or any of the files that have to do with the blue lightsaber because I've encountered several problems when using those files and zero when using the other files, I don't know why but it just happens???

Hope this helps,
 Meatloaf Cat
07-27-2004, 7:02 PM
Thanks Mav, I was worried that I missed/misplaced something in the .mdl. Also thank you for the heads up on the lghtsbr01.
07-27-2004, 7:28 PM
No problem anything to help out.
07-27-2004, 9:53 PM
Originally posted by maverick187 Your best solution is to scrap the saber and make it again, also don't use g_w_lghtsbr01.uti or w_lghtsbr001.mdl/.mdx or any of the files that have to do with the blue lightsaber because I've encountered several problems when using those files and zero when using the other files, I don't know why but it just happens???

That's odd. I used those files for every saber mod I've made and never had a problem (other than the normal n00b modding type stuff).
07-28-2004, 12:20 AM
I think it is just a personal preference for me because all of the problems I faced with my sabers were only in the first couple when I was starting out and I blamed it on the blu elightsaber files :) So now it is just a "taboo" for me to use them, just a little quirky superstition I guess...LOL :D
07-28-2004, 2:29 AM
That is really odd Mav. I found that the blue sabers were the only ones that never gave me any trouble. The models seem to be the easyest to hex, not that it's difficult :rolleyes:

When I did the dual color double sabers. I had to use the blue all the others did not follow any logic It was Like the textures were randomized :mad: Some of the models however carefull I was would corrupt everytime.(sry can't remember which ones)

I do remember a long time ago there was a problem with the sabers being active on each area transition, But I think Bioware fixed that in a patch. I have never come across this problem However Meatloaf Cat if you do figure out what is cause this to happen remember to post the solution :)
07-28-2004, 2:31 AM
Hello all,

Thanks Mav, I was worried that I missed/misplaced something in the .mdl

Uh, did you use mdlops to import/export the lightsaber? If you did then there are no animations in the model, so that is why it does not turn off. Also the throw lightsaber animations will be gone.
07-28-2004, 4:22 AM
Originally posted by T7nowhere
When I did the dual color double sabers. I had to use the blue all the others did not follow any logic It was Like the textures were randomized Some of the models however carefull I was would corrupt everytime.(sry can't remember which ones)

This is VERY good news T7, because a long time ago after seeing your dual colored double sabers and after seeing that svцsh made black visible for a blade texture, I had an idea to make a Yin-Yang Doublebladed lightsaber with one blade having a black core and white glow and the other blade having a white core and black glow, and having some counterbalancing properties, but while I was making it I discovered that instead of getting the blade to look right they were all blended and...... well sort of... messed up. I would bet that I wasn't using the blue doubleblade file, I think I may have to revitalize this old project of mine using the blue sabers files and see if it works. Who knows maybe it will and I'll release it, as a non-upgradeable saber - any future sabers of mine are going to be non-upgradeable to prevent the need for a .2da file and conflicts. Well I'll get back to you with my success or failure

Edit: Okay well in short... IT WORKED, well it basically worked I got the saber to read the blade textures right thanks to T7's indirect, but I still need to refine the actually blade textures so it looks the best that is can i.e. how I want it to look. Anyway here is a screen shot:

Saber Pic (
07-28-2004, 7:30 AM
It looks cool.

 Darth Dex
07-28-2004, 9:18 AM
Yeah, nice job.
 Meatloaf Cat
07-28-2004, 1:59 PM
Very cool saber maverick.

So I tried making a short saber using the same crystal, and it worked perfectly! I guess the first one didn't work because of some mysterious swirling Force powers or something...

P.S. cchargin
I used Kotor Tool. The only thing I can think is that I used lightsaber #008.

Anyways, now that I have finished "building" my first lightsaber I feel all special and Jedi-ish :D
 Colma Adawin
07-28-2004, 2:13 PM
Originally posted by maverick187
This is VERY good news T7, because a long time ago after seeing your dual colored double sabers and after seeing that svцsh made black visible for a blade texture, I had an idea to make a Yin-Yang Doublebladed lightsaber with one blade having a black core and white glow and the other blade having a white core and black glow, and having some counterbalancing properties, but while I was making it I discovered that instead of getting the blade to look right they were all blended and...... well sort of... messed up. I would bet that I wasn't using the blue doubleblade file, I think I may have to revitalize this old project of mine using the blue sabers files and see if it works. Who knows maybe it will and I'll release it, as a non-upgradeable saber - any future sabers of mine are going to be non-upgradeable to prevent the need for a .2da file and conflicts. Well I'll get back to you with my success or failure

Edit: Okay well in short... IT WORKED, well it basically worked I got the saber to read the blade textures right thanks to T7's indirect, but I still need to refine the actually blade textures so it looks the best that is can i.e. how I want it to look. Anyway here is a screen shot:

Saber Pic (

ANOTHER ASTONISHING SABRE FROM MAVERICK187!!!! :D:D i like the title : Ying Yang good name, you planning on 1) releasing this or 2) telling us how you did this ? :p

 Meatloaf Cat
07-28-2004, 2:32 PM
Matt, I think he changed the last four w_lsabreredXX (or whatever the texture name is) in the .mdl file. That is how I have heard it is done, but I have not tried it. So it would be: the first four texture file names are for the black one, and the next four are for the white one. It could be the opposite, but I don't have much experiance with it.

oh and P.S.
The eight textures would be the ones from the bottom up to however far up the eigth texture is.
Not a good explanation, but I hope it helps untill Mav can reply.
 Colma Adawin
07-28-2004, 2:42 PM
Originally posted by Meatloaf Cat
Matt, I think he changed the last four w_lsabreredXX (or whatever the texture name is) in the .mdl file. That is how I have heard it is done, but I have not tried it. So it would be: the first four texture file names are for the black one, and the next four are for the white one. It could be the opposite, but I don't have much experiance with it.

oh and P.S.
The eight textures would be the ones from the bottom up to however far up the eigth texture is.
Not a good explanation, but I hope it helps untill Mav can reply.

you seem to be my guardian Modder helper :D you ever thought about Infinite Empire? (sorry guys) :p

07-28-2004, 4:28 PM
Originally posted by Meatloaf Cat
Matt, I think he changed the last four w_lsabreredXX (or whatever the texture name is) in the .mdl file. That is how I have heard it is done, but I have not tried it. So it would be: the first four texture file names are for the black one, and the next four are for the white one. It could be the opposite, but I don't have much experiance with it.

oh and P.S.
The eight textures would be the ones from the bottom up to however far up the eigth texture is.
Not a good explanation, but I hope it helps untill Mav can reply.

I know that on the single saber the textures are arranged like a compass (looking at it from the top down). The first texture you find in the file has the texture running N-S, the next has it running NW-SE, the next is NE-SW, and the last is from E-W. You can change each one of these to different textures and the saber will look different depending on where you view it from. I think the texture's name has to be the same length, or I screwed something up when I did it :lol:. You can see it from this screenshot ( I think I used blue, purple, gold (HotG) and turquoise (MotF).

I'm not sure about the double-saber, as I have not fiddled with it yet (though I assume it would be the same).

07-28-2004, 5:22 PM
Here I come to save the dayyyyy.........LOL

Okay, but now seriously, yes I am planning to release it, but I have another rather large project, for me at least, but not for others, in the works and I don't want to say anything yet. I will probably release them in unison <sp?> though.

As for how it was done I incorporated what was originally T7's idea and what was originally svцsh's idea in T7's doubleblades with different colors and I edited svцsh's black core sabers to get my white core black glow and black core white glow. I still have to refine them to get them to look just right, but that shouldn't take me too long when I decide to do it. Okay first off as I said before I picked this project out of retirement after T7 said he used the blue saber .mdl file because it is the only file with a somewhat "linear" pattern for the blade colors. In other words the first four w_lsabrexxxx01 lines are for one blade and the last four are for the opposite blade. If you try the same thing with say the 002 or 003 or 004 mdl files it will come out all messed up. Oh and the trick as far as I know it, to let the black show is to have the txi file contain just "decal 1" and not "blending additive decal 1"

Well did I answer all questions?
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