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Queston on Bot Routing

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07-27-2004, 1:40 PM
Okay, so my map has an elevator that can only be moved by pressing a button. I know I need to put bot_wp_addflagged f, but will that make them press the button (actually, a trigger_multiple that requires the use button)? And if it won't, then how can I make them press it themselves?

07-27-2004, 3:56 PM
BOTS rarely use the USE button. I would juat have the trigger there but not the USE function checked if that's possible for your map.
07-27-2004, 4:10 PM
Yeah, if you want bots to trigger it, just a normal trigger will do the trick...though getting them to push a button would be ideal...
07-28-2004, 10:28 PM
I don't think bots CAN use the "use button." They certainly can go close enough to func_buttons to trip them, though.
08-01-2004, 2:37 PM
A bot 'uses'' all the time. If the bot walks close enough to a trigger_multible, they'll use it automatic...
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