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07-25-2004, 3:24 AM
this is my first post here (obviously), so I figured I'd start it out by commending you guys on some fantastic jobs well done with everything. I'm sure it's common, so I won't keep you too long. but just know that there are many grateful people out there who never think to stop by and say hello, so I suppose I'll speak on their behalf as well.. thanks :)

[spoiler, I guess for if you're on a modding board before you've beaten it :) but I'll still try not to give anything big away]


I'll admit, it probably would have taken me a while longer before I posted here, except that I came across a little bit of a problem along the way (go figure.. I'm one of THOSE people). I accidentally gave myself Naga Sadow's poison blade before I actually crossed the acid pit, so after I used the grenade on it and started to cross it, the dialogue with Uthar and Yuthura was triggered (regarding the certain scene that ensues). I figured "no problem, just go back to the first room and fight them" so I did my business and went on my way. well, after a while (had already finished Tatooine and was well on my way to completing Kashyyk), I noticed that my Korriban Star Map quest wasn't completed, because I didn't go in to where the Star Map was in Naga Sadow's tomb.. so I finished up Kashyyk and went back to Korriban and to Naga Sadow's tomb, but when I went across the acid pit, the door was locked and I couldn't get to it.

I've already beaten the game twice, once with a Light Side male and another with a Light Side female, and I've been using the Save Game Editor have some more fun with being a Dark Side male, so I already know how the game unfolds, I just don't want to have to start over (I'm the brilliant sort of fellow who only keeps two saves, hehe) to remedy the situation.

so my question is, is there an item I can give myself so I get the Star Map Datapad? or is there a way I can trigger the quest completed with the save game editor? I was fooling around with the globals, but I don't want to screw it up even more, so I figured I'd ask you guys if any of you could help me out. I'd appreciate any help you guys could give me!

 Darth Dex
07-25-2004, 8:27 AM
hmm....I see why you would put this post here because its a bug, but after this unless you want to mod request a mod or talk about mdding please post in Padwann's Lab (though no on ever goess there so maybe you should just post here).
 Darth Dex
07-25-2004, 8:30 AM
Whopps I read your post wrong sorry I really am. Um.....hmm...I know Heres what you got to do:
1. Open KSE.
2.Hit the plus sign on what ever game you want.
3.Pray you don't scerw anything up (just kidding)
4.Wait for Darth333 or TK102 to reply to this theard with the anwser.

BTW I tried to find it myself but my skills are limited, like a little kids
07-25-2004, 10:34 AM
Edit your savegame with KSE: go to Globals-->numerics and set the K_STAR_MAP global to one of the following numbers depending on how many Star maps you have recovered:

0 - No maps activated
10 - 1st Map Activated (Dantooine)
20 - 2nd Map Activated
30 - 3rd Map Activated
40 - 4th Map Activated
50 - 5th Map Activated

Obviously, Korriban can only be: 20, 30, 40 or 50. You may not get the datapad but for the game, you will have recovered the star map and you should be able to continue playing normally.
07-25-2004, 5:22 PM
excellent, thank you so much!

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