Hi I have an outdoors area in my map and I want it to have like sounds of birds in the background if you know what I mean :D I can only see these bird noises in the yavin ambience folder but yavin_ext and yavin_ext_rain both have water and rain sounds in the background :( but there’s individual bird sounds in the folder too so I want to know if there’s anyway I can use these to play randomly when your outdoors? Or something like that :p
oh and its a multiplayer map :D
trigger_multible -> target_speaker (noise=pathtonoise.wav)
Some pointers: You can only have one sound per target_speaker. Give each speaker a wait (or delay, I can never remember) value equal to approximately the time you want between that sound repeating, and give each a substantial random value so that they play at more random times.
I'm using triggers for my large outdoor areas. Then just giving a simple trigger_multiple the key: soundSet value: yavin_exterior. Works good and now I don't have 20 target_speakers all over my map. :p