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doing some final touch up with my SIth lord class, is this possible?

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07-24-2004, 12:21 PM
want do do somthing before i submit my sith lord class to pcmods.

is it posible to have jedi master when he gives you the class choice to list my sith lord class instead of the one of the 3 class choices?
 Colma Adawin
07-24-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by aluuan
want do do somthing before i submit my sith lord class to pcmods.

is it posible to have jedi master when he gives you the class choice to list my sith lord class instead of the one of the 3 class choices?

what i learnt with Darth333 you can, but you could create a new line for your sith lords class, but dont ask me for help, i didnt really pick up the nak for scripts

07-24-2004, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by aluuan
want do do somthing before i submit my sith lord class to pcmods.

is it posible to have jedi master when he gives you the class choice to list my sith lord class instead of the one of the 3 class choices? hmm seems like nothing to do with scripts
 Colma Adawin
07-24-2004, 1:26 PM
Originally posted by aluuan
hmm seems like nothing to do with scripts

dialog edit, then scripts to make that dialog work properly. i think.

you add the option for Sith Lord, then use scripts for getting the crystal. wait. your not on about getting the class from Master Dorak are you? well thats where you and i misunderstood, please tell us EXACTLY what you want becoz from what i read and i've just read it again to make sure, it seems you want to add the class in with Doraks class selection dialog

07-24-2004, 2:18 PM
thats what i want is to have my custom class selectable when i did question thing for my class.
 Colma Adawin
07-24-2004, 3:42 PM
then thats what you need. basicly. ask Darth333 to help you, shes very and i mean VERY patient with the ppl she works with, she makes it seem so easy. anyway, do a dialog edit, then add a script to your Sith Lord option

07-24-2004, 4:41 PM
 Colma Adawin
07-24-2004, 5:15 PM
Originally posted by aluuan

hey im glad i could help someone with a mod, im normally the one who stands in the background, im glad i could finally help someone :D

07-24-2004, 5:39 PM
got it working except for the crystal how do i make it so i get a red crystal instead of a green one?
07-24-2004, 5:42 PM
Originally posted by aluuan
got it working except for the crystal how do i make it so i get a red crystal instead of a green one?
huh? do you mean when you become a jedi on Dantoine?
07-24-2004, 5:48 PM
Go the the caves on dantooine to get 10 of them ;)

thats the fun way

07-24-2004, 6:04 PM
Originally posted by aluuan
got it working except for the crystal how do i make it so i get a red crystal instead of a green one?
yes. trying to get the jedi master to give me a red crystal instead of a green one.
07-24-2004, 6:48 PM
the easiest way would be to replace the original script that is attached to the convo with master Dorak. You could either use the script i gave you the other day adding a 'CreateItemOnObject" line or simply add a line to the script to add the red crystal to your invertory (CreateItemOnObject) and use the ExecuteScript function to execute the original script that gives you the green crystal (this way you would get both).
07-24-2004, 6:51 PM
A simple script will do it of course or override all green crystals with red. extact the red crystal texture and rename it as the green one.

KT > erf A > W dir. extract w_Lsabrered01.tga

rename w_Lsabrered01.tga to w_Lsabregren01.tga

as for the script I can't write them but there are lots of posts on this forum to help with that
07-24-2004, 7:06 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
the easiest way would be to replace the original script that is attached to the convo with master Dorak. You could either use the script i gave you the other day adding a 'CreateItemOnObject" line or simply add a line to the script to add the red crystal to your invertory (CreateItemOnObject) and use the ExecuteScript function to execute the original script that gives you the green crystal (this way you would get both). thanks
07-24-2004, 9:22 PM
bah the script not working right. darth can you give me an example of a script to attach to doorak by using the color crystals?
07-28-2004, 10:18 AM
BTW Aluun...while I did notice your "Sith Lord Class" mod over at pcgamemods - I haven't done a newsbit on it yet - as, from this thread, I gather that there is still a problem with it. Let me know when it is completed - and I'll add it to my next Holowan Laboratories Mod News report.
07-31-2004, 8:46 PM
Originally posted by CDRSeadog
BTW Aluun...while I did notice your "Sith Lord Class" mod over at pcgamemods - I haven't done a newsbit on it yet - as, from this thread, I gather that there is still a problem with it. Let me know when it is completed - and I'll add it to my next Holowan Laboratories Mod News report. no problems now:P
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