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is it possible to ad mobs/npc in aregular game without making it to a mod?

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07-21-2004, 9:19 PM
I am thinking about making a new .rim file for my added npc file then copy/paste it to the defaul one...question is will game reconize it as the default one?
07-21-2004, 10:39 PM
some reason renaming file to rim wont work....
07-22-2004, 12:48 AM
07-22-2004, 1:05 AM
Originally posted by aluuan

Aluuan, and all other forum users, please... please read the Stuck Holowan Laboratories: Forum Rules and Etiquette ( Thread by Prime, as the bumping of threads (Especially your own) is not supposed to be allowed. Thank you!

To your question, simply renaming a file to *.rim won't work...

I believe .rim files are packed with a program somehow, and you would need to repack the extracted games .rim file, with your new additions, with that program.

As far as spawning NPC's you could just create the npc .utc files and scripts to do so, and attach the script call to NPC .dlg files in the area of the game you want them to spawn, that way you don't have to alter any .rim or .mod files.
07-22-2004, 4:28 AM
Originally posted by RedHawke
Aluuan, and all other forum users, please... please read the Stuck Holowan Laboratories: Forum Rules and Etiquette ( Thread by Prime, as the bumping of threads (Especially your own) is not supposed to be allowed. Thank you!

To your question, simply renaming a file to *.rim won't work...

I believe .rim files are packed with a program somehow, and you would need to repack the extracted games .rim file, with your new additions, with that program.

As far as spawning NPC's you could just create the npc .utc files and scripts to do so, and attach the script call to NPC .dlg files in the area of the game you want them to spawn, that way you don't have to alter any .rim or .mod files.
how i repack to a rim file? and the rim file only has git,info,are files no other filles or programs.
07-24-2004, 4:54 PM
Originally posted by aluuan
how i repack to a rim file? and the rim file only has git,info,are files no other filles or programs.

Kotor tool : open file menu, select erf builder. Add the files you want and then save as a .mod file. You could have read Doom Dealer's Guide to new area creation: it's all in there.

As for spawning npcs, as Redhawke indicated, you could simply use a script attached to a dialog. Making a new module just for spawning a few npcs is kind of overkill.
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