hey guys, i felt creative today so i put some work into red sushie (you may or may not have heard of it)
i've got a question about the UI callvote section and the .menu scripts
i've designed a voteable function called gameplay that can change the server's force settings, weapon dynamics and assorted other things
for example
a player can do
/callvote gameplay instagib
/callvote gameplay noForce
/callvote gameplay jkpp
or /callvote gameplay basejka
the idea is that since the ctf community i belong to is so small that servers could get more bang for their buck
but , i want to have it accessible with the ingame callvote menu, but i have no experiance coding any of the menu UI stuff
i thought i could just copy the /kick or /map sections.. and get it to display a list of the available gameplay types instead of maps or players.. but the symbols refrenced in the .menus aren't in the code! so i'm sorta at a loss on how this part works
can someone throw me a bone here ? :)
if you wanna say hello to the refresh community feel free
the red slushie forum is in the middle of the page