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Universal Kotor Mod readme file

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07-19-2004, 8:42 AM
Finally got around to doing this (it was discussed a few months ago..)

Anyway , i mentione d awhile back a cut and paste readme file we could sue so everyone can have everything pretty much straight forward and no one has to um and ah over what to put in their readme files.

This is draft one. Any changes that stream line it or can make it better are welcome.

Authors name : (your name goes here)

Authors Contact: (your email or holowen labs name)

Mod Name: (your mods name goes here "quinfrak dagger of doooooom!")

Length of time to make : (rought time to make - might give ideas to non modder about how easy this is to do)

Description of Mod: (what your mod does "replaces trask with a giant ape in a bana suit holding a chihuahua and a banjo")

Files included: (g_w_lghtsbr56.uti ; readme.txt ; i_w_lghtsbrbrown.tga etc)

Installation: (what to do with your files "all go to the override folder")

Removal: (how to remove the mod)


This Mod is not supported by LucasArts or Bioware. Do not contact themf or support of this mod. This mod and all files belong to LucasArts and can be used in any combination mod of their choosing.

LucasArts is a trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. Bioware and the Odyysey Engine are trademakrs of Bioware Corp.

The lines about LucasArts owning your mod is there so they may feel less inclined about trying to shut us down if they feel we are willing to let them use our mods how they like.

Also i think it should be there as many other readmes i have seen for other game mods have stuff baout the owners of the IP owning the mod. Especially Star Wars mods.
07-19-2004, 9:20 AM
I'm all about having standards, but I have to admit that I'm partial to the format that I've been using.
 Darth Dex
07-19-2004, 9:37 AM
Good idea we should speard the word.
07-19-2004, 11:33 AM
I'll add a link to this thread in the Guide for the Newbie :) Maybe it will encourage modders to ALWAYS include a readme...
07-19-2004, 1:47 PM
Originally posted by Achillies
I'm all about having standards, but I have to admit that I'm partial to the format that I've been using. agree
07-19-2004, 4:54 PM
<Mod name> By <Mod creator>
Email: <Mod creator's email address>

Character Information (for Recruit Mods only)

Vitality Pts:
Force Pts: <if applicable>




Computer Use:
Treat Injury:


<Insert list o' feats here>



Item Properties - <Item type> (I like to add a section for each item type if there are more than one included in the mod. For item mods only)

*<Item name>*
<<planet item is found on>, <area item is found in> - <description of placeable where item can be found>>

<A detailed description of the item properties. Should look like the inventory screen. Example below>

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Lightsaber

Damage: Energy, 2-16
Energy, +1d4 vs. Dark Side
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
Restricted to: Light Side

<The item's decription. Should look like the inventory screen. Example below>

This lightsaber has been gifted to Jedi Masters strong in the Force for hundreds of years.
Only those with the deepest committment to serving the Light Side can wield this powerful weapon.


Creator's Notes

<An area to talk about how or why the mod way made and/or recognize others that contributed to the mod>


Known Issues

<If your mod has bugs that you'd like to warn others about, list them here>


Files Modified

<file name w/ extension> - <detailed description of what the file does>

<There should be one entry for each file included in the mod>


Images <Optional>

<Link to screenies>


Installation/Removal Instructions

<Self explanatory>


This Mod is not supported by LucasArts or Bioware. Do not contact them for support of this mod. This mod and all files belong to LucasArts and can be used in any combination mod of their choosing.

LucasArts is a trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. Bioware and the Odyysey Engine are trademakrs of Bioware Corp.
 Colma Adawin
07-19-2004, 5:19 PM
Originally posted by Jackel
Finally got around to doing this (it was discussed a few months ago..)

Anyway , i mentione d awhile back a cut and paste readme file we could sue so everyone can have everything pretty much straight forward and no one has to um and ah over what to put in their readme files.

This is draft one. Any changes that stream line it or can make it better are welcome.

The lines about LucasArts owning your mod is there so they may feel less inclined about trying to shut us down if they feel we are willing to let them use our mods how they like.

Also i think it should be there as many other readmes i have seen for other game mods have stuff baout the owners of the IP owning the mod. Especially Star Wars mods.

Hey Jackel, i've decided to use your format, as its the most professional, and Achillies, i hope you use that format when you release you Kel Mod :p

07-19-2004, 5:20 PM
Originally posted by Achillies

Like you said, everyone prefer his own.
07-19-2004, 5:21 PM
Originally posted by Darth_ToMeR
Like you said, everyone prefer his own.

Just putting it out there =)
07-20-2004, 10:43 PM
Achillies I like mine as well.. but on the other hand, don’t post my email for obvious reasons , viruses , spam, ect…people can fill my pm box with ludicrous request that get deleted like the numerous request for nude bastilla and ( God :eek: robs , armour.. uber stats ) but not my emal box sorry. I make these mods for everyone and I’m happy if people like them but if they don’t, I also don’t want angry people flaming and requesting mods in my mail box . I also like my privacy.

07-20-2004, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by svцsh
Achillies I like mine as well.. but on the other hand, don’t post my email for obvious reasons , viruses , spam, ect…people can fill my pm box with ludicrous request that get deleted like the numerous request for nude bastilla and ( God :eek: robs , armour.. uber stats ) but not my emal box sorry. I make these mods for everyone and I’m happy if people like them but if they don’t, I also don’t want angry people flaming and requesting mods in my mail box . I also like my privacy.


Understood. I was just throwing my 2 cents in on the thread that Jackel started. While I agree that a readme template is a good idea, I also acknowledge that it's a logistical improbability. I thought that some of his ideas had merit and therefore included them in the template that I put out there for discussion.

If this is something that no one is interested in doing, then I suggest we just let the thread die =)
07-20-2004, 11:54 PM
I was just throwing my 2 cents in on the thread that Jackel started

Oh man me too, don’t get me wrong I just think we should leave the email addy off that’s all. :)

07-21-2004, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by svцsh
Oh man me too, don’t get me wrong I just think we should leave the email addy off that’s all. :)

Or do what i did and set up a second junk mail addy to gather emails for my mods in :cool:
07-21-2004, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by Jackel
Or do what i did and set up a second junk mail addy to gather emails for my mods in

Hooray for Yahoo!!! LOL:D :D :D
07-21-2004, 1:02 AM
Originally posted by maverick187
Hooray for Yahoo!!! LOL:D :D :D

Exactly =)

I see svosh's point and I think that Jackel has one too. Is there something in the middle that everyone can agree on? Probably not =)

How about if we just leave fields that relate to personal information up to the modder?

As much as I like this idea, I just don't see it getting anywhere.
 monkey joe
10-09-2004, 9:18 AM
what if i'm selfish and all i want to do is make mods for myself?

wouldn't it be easier?
10-09-2004, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by monkey joe
what if i'm selfish and all i want to do is make mods for myself?

wouldn't it be easier?

Monkey Joe,

Please do not spam the boards with irrelevant posts. As per the Forum rules and etiquette (, spam will not be tolerated.

This is a warning.
 monkey joe
10-09-2004, 5:07 PM
no i'm sorry but i was serious, i don't have a website or anything so i thought that you could make them for your own computer, sorry if i was making a irrelevent post
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