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i have more questions ..sorry i feel like a noobie

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07-18-2004, 7:41 PM
sorry for the noobie questions am learinging how do modding and such but how do i make it so i....

1. have force powers menu at the char selection screen when i make my toon?

2. have my force barfilled with force once i wake up at endar spire?
 Darth Dex
07-18-2004, 8:26 PM
Scipting, though I could tell you what extaly search around. Darth333, might know (no pressure Darth). hmm.I feel like a noobie
I wonder why. Just Kidding.
07-18-2004, 8:37 PM
Originally posted by Darth Dex
Scipting, though I could tell you what extaly search around. Darth333, might know (no pressure Darth). hmm.
I wonder why. Just Kidding.
hehe ill try scripting
07-18-2004, 8:41 PM
how do i get powers listed at char selection? i know you have to edit the TLK file but what i need to edit?
07-18-2004, 9:31 PM
Originally posted by aluuan
how do i get powers listed at char selection? i know you have to edit the TLK file but what i need to edit?
Ok, can you be more precise on what you want to do? I'm not sure I understand here (sorry, sometimes I misunderstand, English is not my mother tongue). BTW, editing the tlk file with never make powers available anywhere.
07-18-2004, 9:42 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
Ok, can you be more precise on what you want to do? I'm not sure I understand here (sorry, sometimes I misunderstand, English is not my mother tongue). BTW, editing the tlk file with never make powers available anywhere.
oops i mean to add force power menu under Feats at char selection so i can choose force powers at char selection. how i go about doing that ...
07-18-2004, 9:51 PM
Correct me if am wrong but you want to make force powers selectable each time the party selection table pops out?
This is impossible.
07-18-2004, 9:57 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
Correct me if am wrong but you want to make force powers selectable each time the party selection table pops out?
This is impossible.
bah ok thanks hehe
07-18-2004, 10:42 PM
one last question is it possible enabling the force bar with out the KSE, like i want to have the Green force bar one i wake up at endar spire. if so whats the trick..srry for the questions :P
07-18-2004, 11:05 PM
Yes it is possible by attaching the following script to a dialog file anywhere in the game before Dantoine:

void main()
object oPC = GetFirstPC();
SetGlobalNumber("DAN_JEDI_PLOT", 7);
SetGlobalBoolean("DAN_BELAYAT_DONE", TRUE);
SetGlobalNumber("DAN_PATH_STATE", nClass);

for other classes:

But this is exactly what lil'jawa did in his Darth Revan Reincarnate mod. If you use this method, you will have to remove reference to the script that checks if you have received your lightsaber in the dialog with the droid in the Jedi encalve or you wont be able to exit the enclave....just like in lil'jawa's mod.
Hopefully lil' jawa give you the permission to use his code for your own mods in the readme.
07-19-2004, 6:13 AM
I'll leave Darth333 to the scripting stuff, and i'll just offer some nice comments:)

don't worr about being a kotor modding noob, we all were at some point, I have to say im very impressed that your going straight for scripting, i didnt go into that for atleast a few months. Anyway, just dont be afraid to ask, and dont apologise for asking a seemingly stupid question.

Thers no need to apologize :) the more modders the better in my view
07-19-2004, 7:12 AM
where i suppose to attach this at? cant seem to find the right spot for this hehe

void main()
object oPC = GetFirstPC();
SetGlobalNumber("DAN_JEDI_PLOT", 7);
SetGlobalBoolean("DAN_BELAYAT_DONE", TRUE);
SetGlobalNumber("DAN_PATH_STATE", nClass);
07-19-2004, 11:25 AM
You need to compile the script. If you don't know how to do this, read the Guide for the Newbie in the stickies. There is a link to get the compiler and another one concerning the use/troubleshooting with the compiler.

Attach the script to a mandatry line in a dlg file - there are other ways of doing it but this is the most simple way- . If you don't know how to do this, read Doom Dealer's area creation tutorial and tk102's readme.

If you want an example, download my Deadeye Duncan on Manaan mod, open the dlg file with DLGedit . In this mod, i attached a script that spawns Deadeye Duncan to the with the republic officer that greets you when you arrive on Manaan. The conversation is mandatory and the line i choose too: the player cannot bypass it. Look at Entry no. 4 in the dlg: the script is attached there.
you can download the mod + source here:
07-19-2004, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by aluuan
where i suppose to attach this at? cant seem to find the right spot for this hehe

void main()
object oPC = GetFirstPC();
SetGlobalNumber("DAN_JEDI_PLOT", 7);
SetGlobalBoolean("DAN_BELAYAT_DONE", TRUE);
SetGlobalNumber("DAN_PATH_STATE", nClass);
k thanks
07-19-2004, 2:56 PM
hmm thanks to that tut i know how to do it...but thats not what i wanted hehe.. i wanted my custom made sith lord class to have his force bar enabled. this one that tut shoes is to have npc trigger.
07-19-2004, 4:04 PM
Originally posted by aluuan
hmm thanks to that tut i know how to do it...but thats not what i wanted hehe.. i wanted my custom made sith lord class to have his force bar enabled. this one that tut shoes is to have npc trigger.
it's the same principle. The important thing is to know how to attach a script to dialog, no matter what the script does at the end (you can do whatever you want).
Noe, to get the force bar enabled, you have to add a new class. What class did you replaced with the Sith Lord class?
07-20-2004, 2:28 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
it's the same principle. The important thing is to know how to attach a script to dialog, no matter what the script does at the end (you can do whatever you want).
Noe, to get the force bar enabled, you have to add a new class. What class did you replaced with the Sith Lord class? scoundler..... also i apreciate all the help you hav giving me))
07-20-2004, 9:24 AM
I see. The problem here is that the game deals with this new class as if it was the scoundrel class and you cannot get force powers to appear selectable in the party selection table. Unfortunately, i think it is impossible to do.

And even if it was, you would have to tweak the game at multiple places. Per example, you would be forced to change class on Dantoine.
07-20-2004, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
I see. The problem here is that the game deals with this new class as if it was the scoundrel class and you cannot get force powers to appear selectable in the party selection table. Unfortunately, i think it is impossible to do.

And even if it was, you would have to tweak the game at multiple places. Per example, you would be forced to change class on Dantoine.
ill just replace one of the jedi classes for sith lord if thats the case :P
07-20-2004, 11:14 AM
i know how to build mods now as well so right now with scripting i am adding more dark jedi in all planets even endor spire. it wont be a mod though.
07-20-2004, 11:17 AM
still have a small problem with scripting for npcs i did everything that tut said but the npc i gave dialog to wont initate any dialog. what am i doing wrong?
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