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Mod Categories

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07-18-2004, 5:13 PM
It might be very useful if there could be a stuck thread that categorized all the differn't mods on this site and linked to the appropriate threads where the mod is located. That way someone would not have search the forum to find the best mods out there. The mods could be rated as well. Or does everyone who mods on this site get their mods hosted at the same site. Then this would be useless.
07-18-2004, 5:17 PM
Most mods hosted on .
Enter the Site, and select KOTOR.
You will see most of the mods on categories.
 Colma Adawin
07-18-2004, 5:28 PM
Nice idea! that would make searchin for mods easier, but Darth ToMeR is correct, Nearly everyone posts on

But yeah that would be Gr8! if it were you sorting the catorgies out how would you catorgorise them?

07-18-2004, 5:35 PM
I wasn't sure if everyone hosted on pcgamemods or not. If we were to categorize mods here I like the categories that pcgamemods has. I'm new to modding though so others might have some better ideas.
07-18-2004, 5:38 PM
Originally posted by MattColejk
Nice idea! that would make searchin for mods easier, but Darth ToMeR is correct, Nearly everyone posts on

But yeah that would be Gr8! if it were you sorting the catorgies out how would you catorgorise them?

Like in pcgamemods (recruit, skins, items...). To be honest I don't think this will help a lot, since there is the 'list of downloads' topic.
And there are already many stuck threads and this kind of annoying to search for new replies in the middle of the page.
07-18-2004, 8:01 PM
Originally posted by Darth_ToMeR
...To be honest I don't think this will help a lot, since there is the 'list of downloads' topic.
And there are already many stuck threads and this kind of annoying to search for new replies in the middle of the page.
I agree with Darth Tomer on this.
07-19-2004, 4:56 PM
Personally I don't think this is really necessary...
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