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how do i lower the resists on a power thats an item?

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07-18-2004, 5:40 AM
i am trying to lower the resist on the dark choker mod that has the clicky force choke , trying to lower the force choke item so that when i use it one someone it lands all the time on the npc without it SAVE all the time also want it to do no dmg. how do go about doing that??
07-18-2004, 8:46 AM
Originally posted by aluuan
i am trying to lower the resist on the dark choker mod that has the clicky force choke , trying to lower the force choke item so that when i use it one someone it lands all the time on the npc without it SAVE all the time
I imagine this is beacuse your pc is too powerful in comparison with the other non hostile npcs in the game. merchants, civilians, etc have poor stats. The Darkside choker uses the fortitude saving throw.

also want it to do no dmg. how do go about doing that??
you have to edit k_inc_force.nss:

Remove the following code lines: (note instead of removing the lines, you can simply add // at the beginning of each line you want to remove: if you want to make the DS choker harmful again it will be easier: simply remove the // before each line.


effect eDamage = EffectDamage(SWFP_DAMAGE, SWFP_DAMAGE_TYPE);

SP_InterativeDamage(eDamage, 7, oTarget);

Then, replace:
int nResist = Sp_BlockingChecks(oTarget, eChoke, eDamage, eInvalid);
int nResist = Sp_BlockingChecks(oTarget, eChoke, eInvalid, eInvalid);
and finally compile your script.
07-18-2004, 8:50 AM
thanks again hehe :)
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