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Help please :) Can this be done?

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07-15-2004, 8:29 PM
Is there a mod or combination of mods that will allow me to build level 20 characters and test them against monsters?

Here is what I mean:

I have a list of a bunch of characters that I have optimized with different statistics (some are dexterity based, some are strength based, some have different combinations of scout/scoundrel/soldier and jedi classes).

I would like to test these characters to see which I like best before playing through the game again. Is there any easy way I can do this?

As an example, there was a character builder module for NWN and I would try out different combinations of characters that I built against monsters to see which worked the best.

Thank you so much!
07-15-2004, 8:36 PM
Use tk102's KSE to edit youur stats (and much more), available here:

U can also use my easy warping armband to warp to any areas to test your new pcs without looking for cheat codes.
07-15-2004, 9:32 PM
Originally posted by Fitzwilliam
Is there a mod or combination of mods that will allow me to build level 20 characters and test them against monsters?

Here is what I mean:

I have a list of a bunch of characters that I have optimized with different statistics (some are dexterity based, some are strength based, some have different combinations of scout/scoundrel/soldier and jedi classes).

I would like to test these characters to see which I like best before playing through the game again. Is there any easy way I can do this?

As an example, there was a character builder module for NWN and I would try out different combinations of characters that I built against monsters to see which worked the best.

Thank you so much!

You may want to check out Talchia's Arena mod which can be found here:

I hope that's what you're looking for.
07-15-2004, 9:46 PM
That is right, i forgot about this mod and i misread the post. There is also Gameunlimited's survival battle mod: :)
07-15-2004, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
That is right, i forgot about this mod and i misread the post. There is also Gameunlimited's survival battle mod: :)

Good call on that. I'd forgotten all about that one.
07-15-2004, 11:53 PM
Thank you for the quick reply Darth333 and Achillies!

And great information: I am reinstalling the game now and I will try out the mods you recommended soon.
07-16-2004, 12:58 AM
I 'd say that if you want a mod focused solely on just fighting try out the survival mod first as the jedi's will just keep respawning so it will make it easier to see how long you can last in battle, but I prefer the arena mod just because of the several different options. Also though you can download Darth Khasei's Farce Powers which includes spawn powers which let you spawn various enemies whereever and when ever you want!!! If I find the link I'll add it.

here it is: Click Here (
 Colma Adawin
07-16-2004, 2:42 AM
Originally posted by maverick187
I 'd say that if you want a mod focused solely on just fighting try out the survival mod first as the jedi's will just keep respawning so it will make it easier to see how long you can last in battle, but I prefer the arena mod just because of the several different options. Also though you can download Darth Khasei's Farce Powers which includes spawn powers which let you spawn various enemies whereever and when ever you want!!! If I find the link I'll add it.

here it is: Click Here (

i've got all three and i would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this one, i can play the game and spawn enemys at will, and becoz they are ' Paralyed ' when they come into this plain of exsistance, i beat the hell into them and i get all the XP i need and once i think im ready, i spawn a load and then 'peg' it (run) else where and continue with the mission, and then return and see them and think (@#~*) they're still there waiting to be killed, it even surprised me :p

07-16-2004, 8:18 AM
Well, I have run into a bit of a snag and hope you all can make a suggestion :O

Here is what I did in order:

1. As a test I started the game and immediately saved after character creation so that I would have a save file to edit with KSE (I had made a Scoundrel).

2. Then I loaded up KSE and increased the experience to a big number so that I would have 20 levels to play with. So far so good. I have a level 1 Scoundrel with a zillion experience to be able to level up to 20 and test.

Here is where some trouble started.

3. I got back in the game and manually leveled the scoundrel to 7 and it was now time to add the Jedi class.

4. I loaded up KSE and added Guardian for this test and went back into the game to level the Guardian up.

Everything seemed to be ok until I tried to test the character and then I made some disturbing discoveries. First of all, I could not even equip a lightsaber because I did not have the proficiency. So I looked and I did not have any of the features that come with Guardian: Jedi Defense and Lightsaber Proficiency.

So can one of you mavens please tell me how to level up test characters exactly as if I were leveling them in game? The idea is to test the details of the character. Is there a better way to level up so that I get everything that I would in game and* so that they level up properly?

In a nutshell: what steps do I follow to make sure that my level 20 test character has exactly what my real in game character would have at level 20 (excluding items).

HELP ! :cool:

Thank you for listening
 Colma Adawin
07-16-2004, 8:29 AM
Originally posted by Fitzwilliam
Well, I have run into a bit of a snag and hope you all can make a suggestion :O

Here is what I did in order:

1. As a test I started the game and immediately saved after character creation so that I would have a save file to edit with KSE (I had made a Scoundrel).

2. Then I loaded up KSE and increased the experience to a big number so that I would have 20 levels to play with. So far so good. I have a level 1 Scoundrel with a zillion experience to be able to level up to 20 and test.

Here is where some trouble started.

3. I got back in the game and manually leveled the scoundrel to 7 and it was now time to add the Jedi class.

4. I loaded up KSE and added Guardian for this test and went back into the game to level the Guardian up.

Everything seemed to be ok until I tried to test the character and then I made some disturbing discoveries. First of all, I could not even equip a lightsaber because I did not have the proficiency. So I looked and I did not have any of the features that come with Guardian: Jedi Defense and Lightsaber Proficiency.

So can one of you mavens please tell me how to level up test characters exactly as if I were leveling them in game? The idea is to test the details of the character. Is there a better way to level up so that I get everything that I would in game and* so that they level up properly?

In a nutshell: what steps do I follow to make sure that my level 20 test character has exactly what my real in game character would have at level 20 (excluding items).

HELP ! :cool:

Thank you for listening

theres your problem already, you only added the Jedi class and none of the stats or powers, YOU MUST HAVE JEDI FEATS AND FORCE POWERS if you use KSE, if you do this, you'll be fine, trust me i'm an Expert of the use of KSE and cheating :p

and if you only wanted to level up, like it was in game why not get T7nowheres Epic Classes mod, this gives you more feats, powers and skill points each time you level up, the only catch of course is the fact that you must work harder for your level up. (more XP needed to level up) :p its a good one, i only know of it, being in his Holowan Plug-in 2. Hope this helps,

07-16-2004, 8:46 AM
Originally posted by MattColejk
[B]theres your problem already, you only added the Jedi class and none of the stats or powers

Other than adding Lightsaber: Proficiency, Force Jump, and Jedi Defense what more must I do to make it work with KSE? You mentioned stats? Which stats do I need.

Remember, my goal is to make the character identical for testing purposes so that when I play the game normally, I can build it up to what I previously tested.

I am only interested in testing my character builds at level 20. I do not want to cheat when I play the actual game.

Thank you for the information :)
 Colma Adawin
07-16-2004, 8:59 AM
Originally posted by Fitzwilliam
Other than adding Lightsaber: Proficiency, Force Jump, and Jedi Defense what more must I do to make it work with KSE? You mentioned stats? Which stats do I need.

Remember, my goal is to make the character identical for testing purposes so that when I play the game normally, I can build it up to what I previously tested.

I am only interested in testing my character builds at level 20. I do not want to cheat when I play the actual game.

Thank you for the information :)

as i said before :)

you need JEDI:

with all this you should have a Jedi to test

07-16-2004, 9:11 AM
make sure to add force sensitivity aswell.
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