I'm thinking about getting one. How cool is it? Do the sounds work well? I saw the picture of Tater's in a pic and it looked pretty sweet. I'm either getting Luke ESB or Vader ESB if I do get one.
ive held and weilded both of those.....get lukes, i love vaders saber, but lukes just feels....so right in your hands, you feel powerful........ buy lukes.
aren't the two new ones ( i think they are the mace and luke variations) made better and are more durable? i'd also like to own one seeing that there only $120 wheras the other ones are around $250-$300 (just the plain hilt variants). but first i gotta get a stormie outfit.
You making it or gonna find one to buy?
Are the hilts just as good as those expensive ones or what's the deal? I assume they are and the others are some much because they're so limited.
The hits are good, the nion f/x are limited, and in higher demand, plus it has a little more details at the head. stormie outfit eh? gonna join 501's?
im on my way for a boba costume, got a helmet and gun, ebay is your best bet.
and no, i nhave heard nothing of f/x hilt variations. just the mini .45 scale , non f/x though.
Good luck on that Boba outfit. You need the jumpsuit and all that stuff too. Stormie outfit would be alot cheaper I'd think.
I want a lifesize stormie. That'd be sweet. Vader and Boba would do good too.:cool:
lifesize stormie is 5000-7000 i think, boba is 12000 last i checked, and vader..i forget.
well after all of it, my costume whould be around 2000.
jet pack most expensive, , jumpsuite is always on ebay with shoulder pads and nee pads, wrist gountlets are hard to find pre-painted.
but evtually ill get it, and yes stormie is less expensive. btw what you gonna do for a stormie gun with that outfit?
The MR one is almost $500 and is also almost sold out.
I'd love to have the E-11 even if I weren't making an outfit. The Hasbro one is good if you spray paint it. It's not weighted or anything but it would get the job done.
The hasbro one is ok....the MR is awsome, i wish i could get it...but my boba rifle is cool.got it of ebay for 150$.
Those Mini replicas are pretty cool too. 50 bucks though....
i saw some for 28$
i found a website,
http://gotarmor.com) you can get a fully assembled stormtrooper set for $750, but i'd buy a few extras so i'd probably spend around $1000, probably gonna buy the gun from ebay cus 500 for the master replicas one is too much. i wanna have the costume by celebration 3 so i can walk around the streets of indy and in the convention. celebration 2 was nice and the 501st represented well. i may join them when i go to 3 though. what about you dueler, joining the 501st w/ the boba costume?
Get the Sandtrooper outfit! I like them better than Stormies :D
if ya get a sandtrooper outfit then its only a quick change away and then its a stormtrooper outfit. 2 in 1. depends on how much the pouldrin and backpack are, i might get it.:)
When my boba fett costume is assembled i probly will join the 501st. That would be cool, but i dunno when ill finish.