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 Darth Dex
07-13-2004, 8:26 AM
I know there toturials on this, but I still don't get it, please help me! I know you probly think I'm stupid, but I'm only 12 what can you expect! Anyways I don't get it in one way I try to take a diloage thats already there I'm not changing the scipt, but it always say something about bad something, please help!
 Darth Dex
07-13-2004, 10:04 AM
Please Someone help! I know tons of you make dialgong in your mods. I just want to make Tatooine more Tatooineish, but I can't figure out the DLGedit. :confused: :confused: :confused:
07-13-2004, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Darth Dex
I try to take a diloage thats already there I'm not changing the scipt, but it always say something about bad something, please help!
I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to do: are you trying to add new entries or changing existing entries or something else? :confused:
When you say that it says something bad, what does it says precisely?
Have you read the readme? tk102 really made an effort making this readme and everything is pretty well explained.
07-13-2004, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
Have you read the readme? tk102 really made an effort making this readme and everything is pretty well explained.

I found that Doom Dealer's dialog section of Module Creation tutorial was also very helpful, although I don't know if it will address the what he's trying to do.
 Darth Dex
07-13-2004, 5:38 PM
I'm changing dialong already there (no new entrees) and yes I read doom_dealer's creating module thing, I'm just still a little confused.:confused:
 Darth Dex
07-13-2004, 5:43 PM
Okay let me, clear up what I mean I'm having problems changing the text for the starting list, no other two reply and entree list I figure out, but I can't get the starting list texts to change.
07-13-2004, 6:32 PM
Originally posted by Darth Dex
Okay let me, clear up what I mean I'm having problems changing the text for the starting list, no other two reply and entree list I figure out, but I can't get the starting list texts to change.
I am still not sure about what you want to do: normally you only edit the entry and reply list, unless you want to do something special, like a dialog that will be interrupted by some events.
Could you give me the name of the dlg file you are trying to edit as well as what exactly you are trying to change? I could post some screenshots to help you.
 Darth Dex
07-13-2004, 6:37 PM
Okay, first I want to thank you for your help and second it's mostly all dialong that has Tatooine in it, but I'll post the ones I want help on. tat17_07furko_01 on this dialog I'm trying to make the first thing he says, "Play pazza, or leave me." or "You wanna play pazza?" or "Leave me alone." This should be changed in the starting list. Right? Or is that just ref.?
07-13-2004, 8:18 PM
Fire the dlg file with dlg edit, then look at the screen, you'll see starting list, entry list and reply list.
Screenshot 1 (

The starting list is not the dialog that is spoken, it's more like an index. These entries point to entries in the EntryList that are the first thing the npc says when the conversation begins. Per example, if you have only one continous dialog, you'll have only one entry in the Starting List that will point at Entry no. 0 in the Entry List. If you have a dialog that is interrupted by some event from time to time, you'll have a list like in tat17_07furko_01.dlg. Each of the entries in this dialog field point to an Entry in the Entry List which will be what the npc will say when you speak to him the next time. You have scripts attached to these entries that check if the conditions to start the dialog are met.

In tat17_07furko_01.dlg, the entry no. 0 in the Starting list points at entry no. 16 of the EntryList, no. 1 points at no. 15 , 3 points at 10, etc.
Screenshot 1- look at the bottom of the screen (

If you look at entry no. 0 of the the starting list, you'll see that there is a script attached to it called "k_con_talkedto" this script checks if you have already spoke to the npc and if not, the conversation will start here.
here is the script (available in the .nss files in the BIFs):

#include "k_inc_debug"
#include "k_inc_utility"

int StartingConditional()
if(UT_GetTalkedToBooleanFlag(OBJECT_SELF) == FALSE)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

(There is another script planted in the conversation that will set a flag if you have talked to the npc.)

If you look at entry no. 3 of the startinglist, then you have a script that checks if you have lost at Pazaak ("k_ptat_losscheck"):

int StartingConditional()
if (GetPazzakLastGameLostLocal() == TRUE)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

So if you loose at pazaak, the npc,s dialog will start at Entry no. 10.

To edit dialog, you'll have to go to the Entry List or to the Reply List:
If you select Entry List, you, will see everything the other npc say
If you select Reply List, it's what your PC says.

If you select, Entry no 16 in the Entry list, this is what you will see:
Screenshot 2 (

To edit the text, select no. 0 "text" and you should see "Enter STRREF [28904] (or type <none>)"
Enter STRREF refer to an entry in the tlk table such as the one that is being used here, entry no. 28904. We want to add custom text so we type -1 which means we do not refer to the talk table. When you type -1, you should see some new text appearing: "Enter text [] or type <none>" here is where you type your custom text. I typed: "do you want to play pazaak?" Press enter, your text should now appear where the original text was (final result on the screenshot).
Screenshot 3 (

Now, if you look at the ,menu in the EntryList for entry no. 16, there is a field called RepliesList: Screenshot 4 (

Select it: you should now see something like this:
Screenshot 5 (

It's an index of the replies that your pc can chose from. Remember it's just an index and you don't edit any text here. It says that you pc will have the choice between Reply no. 15, 12 and 10.
To edit those replies, you have to go to the reply list, see screenshot no. 1: it work s the same way as for the entries to edit the text.

Hope this helps :) Read it with tk102's readme and Doomdealer'S tutorial
 Darth Dex
07-14-2004, 8:34 AM
Thank you darth333, your the best! Now I can start my mod!
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