Yesterday I had (Since long time again O_o) a idea for mapping and I've begun with doing I'm having one room (Ca. 5% of the whole map) finished (Textures aren't final yet) and I ask you for your opinion - please tell me, what isn't good and probably what's good :D
It looks like a good solid start, but its kinda lackluster. On a basic mapping level, there's not enough detail towards the edges of the room--try roughing up the walls a little, at the very least use the clipper to cut out some of the stone blocks and push them in or out a little from the wall proper. The texture on the walkway rails also needs a bit of work.
More seriously, though, the "ancient stone temple" has the problem of being a type of map that has been done many times already. You need something to make your map really unique and memorable.
Thanks for your propositions, but it was just an idea, I had in the evening and rearealizated in 3/4 hours ;)
I like it :D
The idea may have been used a lot, but still, its a good idea, and well.. how many people make it look good :D
Some kind of scripted event would give it a good edge, that would make it really unique :D
Excellant start though, even if you released it as it is right now, its still a good map (at least, as the screenshots show)
try roughing up the walls a little, at the very least use the clipper to cut out some of the stone blocks and push them in or out a little from the wall proper.
That would look nice on the walkway too. :D
Lookin very nice. It may be over used, however it still looks good. I would suggest expanding the level. Theres an old JK level called, castle of fire, I believe. Its basically a little castle that has lava throughout it. Perhaps expand on this level and make it into a similar level. Just an idea though, cant wait to see the finished product.