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Save ediding with kotor tool?

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07-08-2004, 10:23 PM
i have a ? i am playing with the recrutible Dustal mod but i forgot to talk to the guy on dantoine who tells you about Dustil being on koroban. i wanted to know if there is a way to edit my save with kotor tool so dustil will spawn on koroban?
thanks and sorry about the spelling
07-09-2004, 12:19 AM
please i rely need help if i cant find this out i will have to start a new game!!!!
07-09-2004, 1:13 AM
I don't think that is something you can do with KotOR Tool, but you might be able to do it with tk's KSE, but I don't know exactly how to do it, it probably has to do with globals or something.
07-09-2004, 1:21 AM
kotor tool does have a save game editor , if that wont work how could i use the other program?
cuz i downloaded it.
07-10-2004, 9:32 PM
Get tk102's Kotor Savegame Editor at read the readme: everything is well explained.
Then set the global K_SWG_DUSTIL at 1 and KOR_DANEL at 2.
(I'm being lazy here - just coming back from a business trip and I had a horrible flight :nutz3: - so I didn't check the variables but if I remember correctly, those were the variables you have to change. If I am wrong, let me know)
07-11-2004, 12:22 AM
Fred added the ability to tweak globals in KotOR Tool too.
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