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Hosting Problems

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07-07-2004, 7:41 AM
To the veteran bodies of the Jedi Knight Academy, I pose a question to all of you. I have consistently tried to make servers for "Jedi Knight II : Jedi Academy", yet only to vein. My LAN is capable of picking up games that I make, but nobody from the Internet ever joins. I know there may be a few reasons such as...

- People don't like the name
- People just don't choose my server

... but I have done this for over a year, trying every day at least once. I have come to the conclusion of not setting it up correctly or something of the sort. If there may be another technical reason, please let me know also. I have Broadband, high speed internet, so ping is not a problem.

This is what I do...

1) Click the multiplayer, and get it so that all the internet servers are on the list infront of me. I click "Create" at the bottom, and then I click "advanced". I want to be in the game, so I click "no" on the "dedicated server" choice. I click min ping = 0 lowest ping = 0, max connection retrys = 999 (I've tried 0, 3, 10, 999). And then I click "yes" or "no" for the "pure server".

I then make sure there are spaces for humans, with max players ranging from 8 to 20. and min = 0,1, or 3. I have tried everything, adding bots, not adding bots, having server names like "pleeeease join" or "JawaCoffee Beans" or "Uber-Duels". I just can't get it to work, people haven't been able to help me, just saying "I dunno" when I say my problem.

Please help me!
Guybrush Threepsnud
07-07-2004, 8:01 AM
My guess is that you have a firewall or router thats blocking the nessisary ports. Lucasarts' tech support page lists the ports you need to unblock.
07-07-2004, 8:26 AM
yes if you are behind a NAT or rooter,
you have to create a server on the computer that is directly connected to the internet

the best way to do it is to create a dedicated server on thise server

then you have to give the public IP to your friend
so not your IP o nthe computer your play but the IP on which the server is running (so on the computer directrly connected to the internet)

as rasorace said
you have to allow incoming trafic for your firewall on the default port 29070 (or another if you changed it with net_port cvar)...
you will also have to allow the secutable programm to access internet in all port and all IPs (so this is outcoming trafic)....
07-07-2004, 12:21 PM
I call upon you fine members of the Jedi Academy High Council's knowledge of the internet, as I have to open the ports for Jedi Academy to host games. But I have tried looking everywhere, and cannot work out how to open the ports. I can't find anything for firewalls, except that my internet connection (in control panel) has "firewalled" underneath it, or Fire Wall, or something.

I was wondering if you could help on this matter.

My most gracious thanks,

Guybrush Threepwood
07-07-2004, 1:44 PM
Perhaps you could ask in the Dedicated Server ( forum.
07-07-2004, 8:54 PM
Originally posted by Threepsnud
I call upon you fine members of the Jedi Academy High Council's knowledge of the internet, as I have to open the ports for Jedi Academy to host games. But I have tried looking everywhere, and cannot work out how to open the ports. I can't find anything for firewalls, except that my internet connection (in control panel) has "firewalled" underneath it, or Fire Wall, or something.

I was wondering if you could help on this matter.

My most gracious thanks,

Guybrush Threepwood

Well, if you're behind a router, you're probably behind a firewall. Most, if not all, routers have firewalls.
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