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how do i replace me or my group members with different models?

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07-06-2004, 6:57 PM
i couldnt find awnsers to this question but.. how do i replace me or my group members with different models? like i want my main guy to have darth malak models thats ingame.
07-06-2004, 7:09 PM
Use the save game editor by TK102

You can DL it here
07-06-2004, 7:37 PM
hmm is there any other way to do it? like copy/paste from 2da file?
07-06-2004, 7:43 PM
Open their .utc file with GFF editor and in the Appearance_Type field, change the number to the row number of the appearance.2da file corresponding to the appearance you want to give them. Per example, if you want Canderous to look like a Duros, set the number to 24. No need to edit apperance.2da

You can also change their name in the Fields called FirstName and LastName.

Avoid editing .2da files whenever it is possible. These are the files that most of the time will cause conflicts between mods.

But I really don't see why you would not use KSE for this.
07-06-2004, 7:51 PM
there are several ways you can change your character's models, but the KSE is hands down the easiest you need not look further.
07-06-2004, 8:05 PM
Originally posted by maverick187
there are several ways you can change your character's models, but the KSE is hands down the easiest you need not look further.
where to dl the KSE?
07-06-2004, 8:12 PM
Jackel already gave you the link.

Also some good reading to start with before asking questions is this thread: Guide for the Newbie: How to install mods/ what tools do I need ot start modding ( Many useful links in there.
07-06-2004, 8:18 PM
doh! thanks
07-07-2004, 2:54 AM
I still think its worth downloading the holowan cloakworks before hand. With KSE you'll have to keep coming in and out of the game to test each model, while with holowan cloakworks you can just go through all the models in one go making it easier to find one you want. You do have to download 2 things but you'll find it's alot quicker overalll.
07-07-2004, 3:57 AM
Originally posted by Doom_Dealer
I still think its worth downloading the holowan cloakworks before hand. With KSE you'll have to keep coming in and out of the game to test each model, while with holowan cloakworks you can just go through all the models in one go making it easier to find one you want. You do have to download 2 things but you'll find it's alot quicker overalll.

True, very true. The Holowan Cloakworks mod is nowhere near obsolete(sp?) I still use it, the only bummer with it is you have to use the cheat code to get the band you want, now if it was compacted into one armband like say the warp armband or something (wink wink Darth333 or tk102???) that would be sweet.
07-07-2004, 9:59 AM
I can't do it for two reasons, Maverick:
(1) it's too close from Andrgor's work and would feel i'm stealing his mod
(2) i don't have enough patience: to make something similar to the warping armband, it would require a dlg file with about 500 branches (if you make 500 replies you need 500 hundred index fields as well) and a script attached to each branch. Plus it's pretty boring to do.
:whacked: :nut: :explode:
07-07-2004, 10:30 AM
now if it was compacted into one armband like say the warp armband or something that would be sweet.
Go for it maverick187!
07-07-2004, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by tk102
Go for it maverick187!
You're cruel Tk102 :p (or perhaps it's me who is lazy)
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