Originally posted by RedHawke
And finally, a big thanks to Darth333 and TK102, that without their valuable help I would now need a ton of wallboard and spackle to fix all the holes in the walls I would have had from my banging my head repeatedly into them. :headbump
Glad we were were able to save your walls from being turned into swiss cheese :D
And good work you two :)
Originally posted by Pennyroyal Tea
i should have been more specific, i was talking about the potraitin his screen shot, it didnt look like the normal ones, either that or im just seeing things, although the bit about the avatar was helpful.
Here is how you can make all the portraits you want Pennyroyal Tea (that's an orininal name btw :D ):
Take a screenshot of your the npc while playing the game, make a 64 or 256 pixels square, per example and save at 32 bits. Check this thread for a state of the art explanation:
Save your image as po_blahblah.tga
Then, go to the portrait.2da file and add a new row:
In the baseref column, type the name of your .tga file (po_blahblah) without the extension. Then, in the "appearance number", "appearance_f" and "appearance_s" colums, enter the row number of the appearance.2da file corresponding to the appearance of your npc. Race, normally it's 6 but check the "Race" field in your npc's .utc file just in case.
Save and close (before saving, just click on another row you'll loose your new row). Check the portrait.2da file in another mod to see how it's done (my recruitable mods have new portraits).
Finally, open the utc file with GFF editor and in the field entitled portraitID, add the number of the row you just added to the portrait.2da file (per example 41).
For the required tools and additional tips on how to use the tools, read the Guide for the Newbie (
http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=129789) in the stickies.