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Adding custom items to game problem!

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07-06-2004, 9:26 AM
I create some new items and I like to add it to game. Using Kotor Tool, a go to RIMs->Modules->end_m01aa_s_rim->Bluepront, Placeables->footlker001.utp( firts Footlocker in game, in the Ender Sprice). I double-click it I saw:

List Contents- Struct Count: 4\par
Struct- Type:0 Field count: 3\par
Field- Type: CResRef Label: InventoryRes Value: g_i_medeqpmnt01\par
Field- Type: word Label: Repos_PosX Value: 0\par
Field- Type: word Label: Repos_Posy Value: 0\par
End of struct\par
Struct- Type:1 Field count: 3\par
Field- Type: CResRef Label: InventoryRes Value: g_i_medeqpmnt01\par
Field- Type: word Label: Repos_PosX Value: 1\par
Field- Type: word Label: Repos_Posy Value: 0\par
End of struct\par
Struct- Type:2 Field count: 3\par
Field- Type: CResRef Label: InventoryRes Value: g_a_clothes01\par
Field- Type: word Label: Repos_PosX Value: 2\par
Field- Type: word Label: Repos_Posy Value: 0\par
End of struct\par
Struct- Type:3 Field count: 3\par
Field- Type: CResRef Label: InventoryRes Value: g_w_shortswrd01\par
Field- Type: word Label: Repos_PosX Value: 3\par
Field- Type: word Label: Repos_Posy Value: 0\par
End of struct\par
End of List Contents- Field- Type: List Label: ItemList

When I change g_a_clothes01 to name of my files name, the Footlocker in game is disapirre!:( :( :( :(

07-06-2004, 9:50 AM
Do you mean you tried to change g_a_clothes01 to your file name using the text editor in Kotor tool? You cannot do this: you'll only end up corrupting your file.

You have to extract the file and edit with GFF Editor. (see the Guide for the Newbie ( sticky for download links.)
07-06-2004, 10:23 AM
So easy! Thanks, thanks so much!!:D :D :D :D

Then why noboy use this to add items to game?? I downolad many Items Mod and noone use this. Only cheat cosol to get new Items. Why??
07-06-2004, 10:54 AM
One other thing: if you use this method, you'll end up adding your item to every single file in the game that has the name footlker001.utp. You may want to use a script ;)

Here is more on how to plant items in the game:

For mod samples that include source, you could download tk102's darkside choker (items placed in a container in the Ebon Hawk):
and svцsh's Revan Redemtion Robes (Robes given during a conversation)
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