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Looking for NPC -> jedi mod

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06-28-2004, 1:08 PM
I'm looking for that mod that turns Carth, Mission, Canderous, etc into Jedi, but I can't remember where I got it from (I used to have it installed)

if anyone knows where the mod I'm talking about can be downloaded, let me know thx :)
06-28-2004, 1:10 PM
I don't know about this mod but you could get TK102 Kotor Savegame Editor (KSE) to turn your party members into jedi.
06-28-2004, 1:10 PM
06-28-2004, 1:13 PM
no not by that crappy one, lol

I never even finished that mod, because when I got back into KOTOR someone else had made one that did what I was trying lol

If only I could remember what it's name is, it's probably somewhere on my hard drive too lol
06-28-2004, 1:30 PM
if you want to do it with code the key function is AddMultiClass

something like this:
void main() {
06-28-2004, 3:07 PM
I got it...just edited the party members with KOTOR tool and put the new .utc files in my override directory
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