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Tournament of Iyusha.

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06-27-2004, 8:24 PM
Anyone else have this mod. Its a single player mod, so I know the saberbattles have to be great, but theres one problem. All I can play is the first stage where you have to prove yourself. Afterwards it goes to the load screen but the tournament never actually starts, it freezes. Anyone else having this problem? Is it a problem with that mod in general or is it just something that only a few have had to deal with. Any suggestions?
06-28-2004, 5:40 PM
Ask the mod author, maybe he/she can provide some insight...
06-28-2004, 7:09 PM
Kengo was a he last time I checked, Kurg.

Also, I think you are indeed the only one who has this error..
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