Basic Question: I need to have a cylinder but cut it so that the top "face" slopes diagonally down. I tried using clip but it didn't work.
I don't want to have to resort to cutting up a square brush into a round one, if I can help it lol.
Thanks in advance. :)
Hit "v" and play around with the vertices, you might be able to move them into the position you want them.
Absolutely! Just edit the vertices and change them from this
+ + +
| |
| |
+ + +
| |
| |
+ + +
To something like this:
| +
| +
+ + +
| |
| |
+ + +
In one of the side views.
Be VERY careful when you do this. Use the minimum amount of sides as possible. Believe me when I say if you make a nice round column and cut the top of it 3 or 4 times you will get this error:
MAX_TW_VERTS (12) exceeded!!! (
lauser, that doesn't happen if you use a patch mesh cylinder which is what he is (or should be) using!
TW Verts rarely occur on patches.
Yes I know that Wade. All I did was explain that he could use a brush if he wanted to...just being careful to avoid that error. As far as patches will not get that error...UNLESS you exceed the maximum size of a patch.
Actually if a person wanted to do a really broken looking column the easiest way is to break up the brush into 4 pieces. This way you can have multiple cuts without getting any errors.
Originally posted by WadeV1589
lauser, that doesn't happen if you use a patch mesh cylinder which is what he is (or should be) using!
And it is indeed what I am using ;)
Thanks People, should have known the answer to that myself, but I've been mapping and weird times of the day :P