hey im making a hoth level and I need to be able to make some huge hothlike mountains surrounding the main area, I know raven did some kind of portal to display a large model around their maps in JA, but thats not what I need, I need something that you can interact with, how could I do this? is there some trick that I dont know about? :confused:
ok I did that on a test and named everything "test" but when I copied it into a map and reanamed that map to test and compiled it, in game it was just missing textures! why?
thanks by the way :)
This issue has been discussed before, I reckon. Search for "missing textures" and I reckon you should get a few matches, some of which should answer your question :)
ok, I will, but if I just imported the structure of the area and made it a worldspawn, could I just retecture it all and would it work?
Uh...where are you importing it from?
what? Im sorry, like, the .map file that the terain is in? I dont get it...:confused: