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A Retexturing Tutorial!

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06-25-2004, 10:32 AM
I have made a texturing tutorial. It comes with pictures of Photoshop 6.0, but it might be understandable on other versions. The link is
 darth vandar
06-25-2004, 11:19 AM
tnx a lot now i know a bit more:p
06-27-2004, 7:23 AM
over 60 views and 1 reply? Is my tutorial that bad?
 Darth Gungis
06-27-2004, 7:45 AM
Nah, we are just too awed to reply...

By the way, what txt-file reader do i have to use to be able to see the pics in the tutorial? Do i have to use Word?
06-27-2004, 8:29 AM
Yes, Microsoft Word
06-28-2004, 6:10 AM
100 views and 2 persons have said something... *sighs*
 Lord of Banthas
06-28-2004, 7:21 AM
wow, thank you bery much PrtyLizardJedi!!!!! :D

i'm gonna get started right away :)
06-29-2004, 11:13 AM
Thanks for posting this tutorial. it is the last thing i need to learn before i can feel comfortable releasing any of my mods, that and get a good paint program (i'm going to try photoshop 6).
 Colma Adawin
06-29-2004, 11:44 AM
A HA! MARVELLOUS!! this should be good to look into

thanx Prty

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