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Unlimited force points?

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 En liten mus
06-25-2004, 8:01 AM
Are you able to modify your game to get unlimited force points while playing?...if so how some one plz tell me......? :confused: :fett: :confused:
06-25-2004, 8:19 AM
Again, you've made a pointless thread. Sorry, if your going to make a new thread atleast make sure its worth it. Two sentance threads like this I class as spam.

makes it even worse that you havnt even bothered using the search tool or put this in the request sticky.

anyway, I dont think you can get unlimited force points, but you can make it so that you have 1000s (i.e. you'll never run out anyway). Open the save game editor, and find your characters info. Theres abit there where you can change it.
 En liten mus
06-25-2004, 8:27 AM
i try......YOU GUYS JUST THINK EVERYTHING IS SPAMM; IT WAS JUST A QUESTION::::::.................what harm has it done its not like you hafto pay for everythread that is posted.......IM SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
06-25-2004, 8:41 AM
I wasnt flaming you, i was making a point. In doesnt do me any harm but you could of resolved this using the search function. And i answered you're question anyway,

im not getting into some petty arguement, so in the future use the requests and search functions
06-25-2004, 10:48 AM
Max Force Points and Max Hit Points are calculated by the game, despite the fact that you can change them in KSE. To affect these stats you have to modify your WIS CON and CHA or give yourself uber items. This is in the KSE-readme.txt
06-25-2004, 11:03 AM
Calm down DD. En liten mus is new here, give him chance. He already learned in another thread that spam is not tolerated. The questions was clear here and maybe he could have find it with a bit of searching but finding an answer to this one was not that obvious for a newcomer.

BTW, En liten mus, the link for KSE is here:
06-25-2004, 11:14 AM

Max Force Points and Max Hit Points are calculated by the game, despite the fact that you can change them in KSE. To affect these stats you have to modify your WIS CON and CHA or give yourself uber items. This is in the KSE-readme.txt

Ya I had ЬberForce long before I downloaded KSE.
06-25-2004, 11:22 AM
Cheating is fun! :) Just type in setcharisma 999 and setwisdom 999 and you are ЬberForce, especially on level 20
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