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Mace windu's lightsaber

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 darth vandar
06-22-2004, 7:05 AM

i have bin trying to make a reskin of this Hilt ( but it looks like crap so iam not showing it but if anyone whit more experiens of photo shop can reskin this it would be cool i hope:p
 Colma Adawin
06-22-2004, 8:05 AM
...has some Windu stuff have a look

 darth vandar
06-22-2004, 8:19 AM
yes i yhave seen this site but is not mace windu's lightsaber
06-22-2004, 8:20 AM

and ye, jules windu did a really good one a while ago, i recommend downloading that one.
 Colma Adawin
06-22-2004, 8:28 AM
Originally posted by Doom_Dealer

:D knew you couldn't resist :D LoL

 darth vandar
06-22-2004, 8:49 AM
eerrm jules saber is more pink than purple
 Colma Adawin
06-22-2004, 9:14 AM
Originally posted by darth vandar
eerrm jules saber is more pink than purple

so edit the blade colour to be purple BUT dont release it without Jules Windu's Permission

 darth vandar
06-22-2004, 9:35 AM
iam a NOOB on changeing blade colours:( :(
06-22-2004, 9:50 AM
just open the .tga file in a program such as photoshop, then change the colour, its easy, just try it out. Stop being scared of failing, how will you know if you cant do it if you dont try?
 darth vandar
06-22-2004, 10:25 AM
dont say that i havent tryd but it is just a bit hard to get the colour in the right dark and light cuz i cant just make evrything in one colour. to bad i dont relly know how to use photo shop:(
06-22-2004, 10:30 AM
Just use hue and saturation if all you're doing is making it purple, take like 1 minute.
06-22-2004, 10:31 AM
ok, youre using brushes instead of the spraypaint tool

select the spraycan tool and look for a scrolldown menu that should appear on your toolbar, it will probably say 'normal'. Extend this and select 'colour'
this will now replace the colour that it was originally with the colour you have chosen, just colour it in basically, and the shading will stay the same,.
06-22-2004, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Mono_Giganto
Just use hue and saturation if all you're doing is making it purple, take like 1 minute.

actually, forget what i said, thats easier
 darth vandar
06-22-2004, 11:02 AM
eee wat:confused: :confused: :confused: all i do is making everything in to the same colour but i want it to be darker and darker from the center cant any one make step toturial:(
06-22-2004, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by darth vandar
eee wat:confused: :confused: :confused: all i do is making everything in to the same colour but i want it to be darker and darker from the center cant any one make step toturial:(

Just use the one from the game. You're going to go to all this trouble only to find that you'll only notice a difference in blade colors if you're looking for it.
 darth vandar
06-22-2004, 11:36 AM
dont blame me iam new whit all this u know
06-22-2004, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by darth vandar
eee wat:confused: :confused: :confused: all i do is making everything in to the same colour but i want it to be darker and darker from the center cant any one make step toturial:(

do excatly what we told you before!!!! that works!!!! and we're not blaming you we're trying to help!!!!
06-22-2004, 11:57 AM

Sorry got ahead of myself. :D
 Colma Adawin
06-22-2004, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Doom_Dealer
do excatly what we told you before!!!! that works!!!! and we're not blaming you we're trying to help!!!!

then calm down and take it slowly Doom

 darth vandar
06-22-2004, 1:17 PM
tnx it is working great now :)
06-22-2004, 6:57 PM
Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

Sorry got ahead of myself. :D

lol indeed we need a Jerry Sprigeresque forum on holowan...though that would most definatley turn out badly
06-22-2004, 8:32 PM
How about a Jerry Springer NPC mod lol.
06-23-2004, 7:59 AM
Originally posted by MattColejk
then calm down and take it slowly Doom


er, i didnt mean it offensively in anyway, i just went abit ott with the !!! marks, there just so pretty :S

anyway, ye, bye
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