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I Help Using My Downloads!!!!!!!!

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06-19-2004, 12:32 PM
Hi i'm New to this forum just to let you know, but everytime i download a skin or something, don't know how to use it, can someone give me some step by step help to use my downloads like mods, player skins or just anything, i'd really appreciate it.
 Samuel Dravis
06-19-2004, 1:11 PM
Most files have a readme inside of the zip, it should have install instructions there. Generally, codechanging mods go into a folder of their own under /gamedata, while maps/skins/model pk3s go into /base.
06-20-2004, 11:45 PM
Didnt you read the readme file? Or there was no readme file?

You put the file in base folder, and while in a multiplayer game you go to the playermodel selection menu and select the model. But all the models/skins only seem to work on un-pure servers.
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