Well in my map, even though its a clan map, I wanted to make 2 NPC gundam wings to fight each other but never die. So they would fight and hit but not kill themselves. If anyone could help me with this please tell me
My guess is scripting ( don't ask me how :lol: ). But what I wanted to say is that I don't think it's wise to have two non-dying NPCs on a clan map to be played online, for performance reasons.
That's not scripting ^^
"Key=health" "Value=-1" or
"Key=health" "Value=999999999999"
^ that doesn't make two npcs of the same genre fight each other ^
Oh, sry I understood it fals :rolleyes:
I guess you could make your own NPCs and have the names be be:
Gundam Wing1
Gundam Wing2
And make them on opposite sides.
Not sure how you would put them in your map though...