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Using CM_Baremetal? Svцsh or Seprithro check!

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06-15-2004, 8:28 AM
I found the CM_Baremetal, the much-renowned texture, but how can I use it in my retexturing?

I'm really stumped here :cry7:

Great morning. I played KotOR on X-Box and Mission shoved a vibrosword trough a Sith Soldier's arse. Sad I didn't manage to take a picture.

Bioware might be insane. Among other bizarre things I found by digging texturepacks with KotOR Tool, i found this:
Weird, huh?
06-15-2004, 8:45 AM
Originally posted by PrtyLizardJedi
I found the CM_Baremetal, the much-renowned texture, but how can I use it in my retexturing?

I'm really stumped here :cry7:

Great morning. I played KotOR on X-Box and Mission shoved a vibrosword trough a Sith Soldier's arse. Sad I didn't manage to take a picture.

Bioware might be insane. Among other bizarre things I found by digging texturepacks with KotOR Tool, i found this:
Weird, huh?

CM_Baremetal is the MAIN blade of all the swords, so i think you use for example g_w_lngswrd02 then its properties in its txi file will be envmaptexture CM_Baremetal wich is the main skin for all SWORDS , have fun reskinning it :) btw i found a glitch tough Mandalorians and Droid uses it as envmap for their model too, so i would have saved CM_baremetal in a different name and then edit it in a new TXI file for the model, and now you are free to reskin for the Baremetal.
06-15-2004, 12:08 PM
CM_Baremetal is the shader used on all metal in the game apart from gunmetal and my cube used on hk and t3

The shader uses the alpha channel to determine where it should replace texture.
Think of an alpha channel as a mask everywhere you have any thing but pure white the shader will show through anywhere the white is will be is solid texture and no shader at all. The varying degrees of gray to black determine how much of the shader is used. Take the sith armour for example. The red armour is still shiny but uses a very light alpha channel to give it the glossy look while the standard sith armour has a very dark alpha channel that almost replaces all texture only showing the CM_Baremetal shader.

I hope this helps you and I will refer to another post about alpha channels and how to make them

06-15-2004, 12:17 PM
You really lost be there, ol' Svцsh.

Would using clone brush work? I mean I open both the texture and the CM_Baremetal. Then I would use clone brush to paint FROM the CM_Baremetal, though this might not work since they're different files though.
06-15-2004, 12:34 PM
ok i'll make this easy, open your tga, select/add the alpha channel,male it all solid white, then selct the color black, use a pencil,brush, ect tool to shade the areas you want to shine, make it easier by clicking the eye on the rgb channel, then save, and just to be safe make a new txi file with this in it "envmaptexture CM_Baremetal" then it should work just fine
06-15-2004, 12:47 PM
06-15-2004, 1:05 PM
Whatever, I got the idea now how it works.

Only problem is the fact the white area makes it hard to see some things that display in white. Is there a way to bring 'em up? I know that white areas can be CM_Baremetal, here's a joke that acts as a proof:

Lol, huh?
06-15-2004, 1:16 PM
Originally posted by PrtyLizardJedi
open notepad, type "envmaptexture CM_Baremetal" (without quotes) and save with a .txi extension and you have a .txi file :D

This old thread may be of interest to you:
06-15-2004, 1:43 PM
Umm, how do I save it with a .txi extension?
06-15-2004, 1:45 PM
Originally posted by PrtyLizardJedi
Umm, how do I save it with a .txi extension?

In notepad go to File menu>save as> "myfile.txi" (simply replace the .txt extension by .txi)
06-15-2004, 1:47 PM
I figured out how to make the other stuff show on Alpha Channel, thanks for they eye hint Sep.


Originally posted by Darth333
In notepad go to File menu>save as> "myfile.txi" (simply replace the .txt extension by .txi)

O_O what do I need it for?
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