Hey all, I've got another question. I've used the _remap key to change the texture on a model. The problem is, it looks all ugly. Some parts of the texture are stretched beyond recognition. If this were a patch mesh, I could Shift-S it, and click Natural/CAP, and it would be fine. This, however, is not the case for my remapped model. How do I make it look better?
Use a texture that's the actual size of the model's original texture.
It has little or no difference. The model I am using was made by me, so there is no original texture. I'm new to modeling so I do not know how to apply the texture correctly, whether in Radiant or in the modeling program.
You have to apply a UVW map in you modelling program to ensure the texture looks how you expect it.
Err, and that would be how? Please enlighten me. :o
You need to enlighten me as to what modelling program you're using :)
First of all though try the help file, if it doesn't cover how to texture map then it's crap :p
I'm using gmax as I don't have a lot of money with me :)
It does cover texture mapping but I don't understand a word of what they are saying; its like Greek to me. (actually, I understand the words, but not the sentences/phrases :P)
Google result for gmax uvw tutorial (
Second result is quite good: this one (
Once you actually get how it works you'll find it totally easy and actually understand how those weird textures work when you see them and they're all broken up.