Does anyone know where I can get a good Revan(from Kotor) for Academy?
Originally posted by alphahero34
Does anyone know where I can get a good Revan(from Kotor) for Academy?
There's a semi-decent model on, but we're not going to get a good one until we get models whose cloaks aren't attached to their anal capacities with invisible rods. (AKA until we get models whose cloaks are a free part of the model, and don't curl up to their butts when they jump.)
Not only Revan you can also get Malak ;)
Fantastic skins or Revan and Malak, specially Revan!!!!
The skin itself is okay...I just hate those dumb-ass noises on it. I understand how he couldn't have used any vocal tracks, as Revan has none, but still...they just sound so horrible. :¬:
Originally posted by Hiroki
The skin itself is okay...I just hate those dumb-ass noises on it. I understand how he couldn't have used any vocal tracks, as Revan has none, but still...they just sound so horrible. :¬:
There's the main character male and female voices, such as when you select them they say "Ready" or "Yes?" or such things as "No problem" for a taunt when they use security skill.
Hmm, but is there canon evidence to state if Revan was actually male of female?
theres one at Jk3files that i just fell in love with. i think its the best anyone can do. its reven with no cape. you can download it here:
Actually, I didn't click on that link, but if it is the one that I think you are referring to, umm, they just painted over the Reborn's face.