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key for kicking

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06-08-2004, 11:15 PM
hay does enyone know how to bind a key on my keyboard
to make jaden do a kicking move without the double handed
06-08-2004, 11:22 PM
Uh... isn't it alt-fire?
06-08-2004, 11:35 PM
The only way to kick without a saberstaff (we're talking about SP here) is to use Melee (which requires cheats) or to give yourself the "extra stances" one of which includes a single saber that uses the staff moves including kicks (again, which requires cheats).

There is no key to bind, because as was said above, it's just Alt-Fire.

In MP you need to press a direction with Alt+Fire to make it work.
06-09-2004, 8:49 AM
well i knew that stuff i just thought that there was
somthing like scripting ppl call it whare you bind multiple
commands to one key:clon:
06-09-2004, 8:52 AM
Scripting is pretty useless. It's just lazy and is usually frowned upon. Most of the time, scripts will get you stuck in a move (stuck crouching, stuck attacking, stuck jumping, etc.).
06-09-2004, 8:07 PM
Originally posted by TK-8252
Scripting is pretty useless. It's just lazy and is usually frowned upon. Most of the time, scripts will get you stuck in a move (stuck crouching, stuck attacking, stuck jumping, etc.).

TK-2348319489458346899356 is correct and has emulated our lessons somewhat. Scripts are a hindrance.
06-09-2004, 8:15 PM
Originally posted by Rumor
TK-2348319489458346899356 is correct

06-09-2004, 9:19 PM
To bind kick to a key would be silly, because you'd have to bind four keys.

(something like this, may not be correct)

bind key1 forward;alt_fire
bind key2 backward;alt_fire
bind key3 strafe_left;alt_fire
bind key4 strafe_right;alt_fire

Seems easier just to press two keys at the same time than having to take up four keys on your keyboard and then hit each one of them in the heat of battle depending on the situation...

For single player it's just 1 key, so its even more pointless. Binding cheats to keys won't help you since they would only be usable on a cheats server or offline and then you only need to enter the cheat once, then it's back to 1 key press per move.
06-10-2004, 12:32 PM
If you alter a single saber's .sab file to be non-throwable, you will be able to do kicks instead...
06-11-2004, 9:02 AM
ok well thanks for warning me
by the way i dont really play multi player much
and i wanted to bind a key for kicking in SP
and cheats are not an issue i use them all the time
it makes the game interesting
so i think kergan was saying that it would be one
key in SP with cheats enabled is this true:clone:
06-11-2004, 6:02 PM

To kick, you just press Alt-Fire with staff (or the "pseudo staff" cheat stance the Reborns use). It also works for Melee (fists) if g_debugmelee 1 is on in the console. (This is all SP btw)

Doesn't make sense to make a script for a one button move.

As to what Prime said, never tried it... but that's editing, not scripting.
 Samuel Dravis
06-11-2004, 6:24 PM
Editing the .sab file is one of the easiest things to do. Extract, modify one value, compress. Whew, that would take all of...5 seconds.
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