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can someone explain this trick to me? (meditate)

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 Jed Dye
06-08-2004, 6:28 PM
there is a trick that people are pulling in multiplayer that I want to know how to either A: defeat, or B: do myself. It is when a player's character performs some meditating position or standing still position, and they are un-targetable, and impervious to all weapons. It seems like some type of cheat, and I want to know if it can be defeated.

Any reply would be nice. Thanks fellas.
06-08-2004, 7:41 PM
they're using the meditation taunt but there still are some pixels that you can target. kataing could work but sets you up to be countered very easily. lunging works best or backstab :D
06-08-2004, 8:34 PM
This isn't so much a trick as it is a MOD IN USE.

If you didn't download anything it means that the SERVER is running some mod that adds them in.

To answer your question, "Meditate" is done simply by binding a key to it in the controls menu. Or type \meditate in the console.

In the normal game this is ONLY usable during Duel or Power Duel game modes. It offers you no protection whatsoever. Simply visual, you are still vulnerable to all attacks and force powers (your enemy has only to aim downward slightly for some attacks to hit).

Mods (especially the stupider admin mods that run server side) like to add these taunts to ALL gamemodes and make you partially invulnerable, which is why I avoid these servers like the plague.

To sum up:

-Meditation is ONLY usable in PowerDuel/Duel unless the server is running a mod. Cheats have nothing to do with it.

-Meditation is bindable through the regular setup menus (but only works in PowerDuel/Duel).

-Meditation normally offers no protection, just as all other taunts offer no protection. In Mods they sometimes protect you from a lot of different things, but not all.
 Jed Dye
06-09-2004, 1:13 PM
okay, that explains the sitting position i've seen, but there's another, where the character stands there, arms folded, and is invulnerable, at least to all the explosives (all i play is the bomb guy in siege). That is quite annoying, save for those rare instances where the guy/girl does it at the edge of a high precipice (like the top of the pyramid, etc.) where I can launch them (I love that trick, I could do that all day).
06-09-2004, 2:23 PM
emote and that is a server mod thing. commands are like /ateae /lean /sit /sit2 etc...
06-09-2004, 4:42 PM
Saber throw cuts right through emotes.
06-09-2004, 9:15 PM
The basejka emotes are as follows (they are really called "taunts", "emote" is a term created by the JK2 mod makers to describe animations like that, since JK2 didn't have them, they were animations ripped from Single Player):

Bow (character bows forward at the waist with harms together).

Meditate (character sits down cross legged and stays there).

Taunt (does "come here" motion with hand, like when you accept a duel and says voice taunt for that character).

Flourish (does twirl with hand holding saber, varies with stance and type used).

Gloat (does another type of taunt with weapon, again varies with stance and type used).

These only work in Duel and PowerDuel, so they're designed for sabers, melee and possibly a BlasTech pistol, but generally the "variety" (in the last two) only matters with sabers, since melee/blaster will usually just look like the saber motion without the saber (making it look weird) or will just be the generic "come here" taunt.

These taunts in basejka are animations that make you stop what you're doing and do that. But if you hit jump or attack you can "break out" of the animation. Plus you are no more protected while doing the taunt than when you are just standing there not moving.

The "Emotes" in mods like JA+, etc (which all come from mods like JediMod and Jedi Academy Mod in JK2) usually freeze you in place until you type them again (you can't move, only rotate with the mouse or look up/down) and protects you from certain kinds of attacks. I'm not sure why the protection was done, either as a half-a$$ed "honor protection" thing or just due to some kind of bug when they were first created.

Anyway, the emotes are done to facilitate role playing and "h0n0rz." The JA taunts are done to taunt your opponent (surprise!).
06-10-2004, 3:29 AM
Originally posted by Kurgan
The "Emotes" in mods like JA+, etc (which all come from mods like JediMod and Jedi Academy Mod in JK2)

not really
sorru kurgan but all emots or moves are coded in the game
you just have to add some code to enable their use....(execpt if you code new move like keshire)...

jedimod and jedi academy mod in JK2 never coded those move...
thos move are already in the game and used by moders
06-10-2004, 3:36 AM
I just make them I don't code them. And I wouldn't do a taunt or emote to save anybody's life. Nor will I give up the JO taunt/emotes.

Only gameplay additons with the exception of maybe a new draw/holster and idle anim.

On a current note. Almost done with the new blocking system.
06-10-2004, 2:08 PM
Originally posted by Slider744
not really
sorru kurgan but all emots or moves are coded in the game
you just have to add some code to enable their use....(execpt if you code new move like keshire)...

jedimod and jedi academy mod in JK2 never coded those move...
thos move are already in the game and used by moders

Correct me if I'm wrong, but those "emotes" are just animations right?

Or are you saying that these are specific actions that grant protection only available to "actors" in the single player game (such as in cutscenes)?

Then again, that doesn't work either, because you can easily kill enemies who are "standing with their hands behind their back" and stuff like that, unless they are set to invincible (like the JK2 jedi at the academy when you first arrive).

Is that what you mean? If you had to "add code" to make them usable, isn't that considered "coding them"? Excuse me if I don't code and don't know what you're talking about... but I had the impression that the "emotes" were just animations swiped from SP. So you're saying that even less work went into them than I thought...?
06-10-2004, 2:11 PM
Originally posted by keshire
I just make them I don't code them. And I wouldn't do a taunt or emote to save anybody's life. Nor will I give up the JO taunt/emotes.

Only gameplay additons with the exception of maybe a new draw/holster and idle anim.

On a current note. Almost done with the new blocking system.

(JO = JK2)

Well, as I was saying, in base JK2, you only get "taunt" that's it, not even the "new" ones like in JA. There's nothing else. Anything more and it's a "mod" even if as Slider implies you had to "add code" to enable them.

So why won't you give up the JK2 emotes? They're buggy and silly. (Ie: why should a person be able to lock themselves into meditation stance and be protected from various attacks in the middle of a battle?)

I love taunts, I really do, but I think that the way they are implemented in JK2 (the ones besides the default taunt which is already usable) is buggy and unbalancing at best. That it caters to RPG players and h0n0rz n00bs is just an unfortunate side effect. But the fact hat a person can waste time and avoid dying by using them in battle is a bit of a problem.

I understand new animations take time, and without the animation files it wasn't really feasible until recently, but still....
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