hey i whanted to know if there was any reskins for the human male models? just looking for some reskined heads, like to change the hair color for the blond headed human male. and to have a jedi robe like outfit. anything tell me.
I've seen that kind of stuff both on jk3files.com and lucasfiles.com.
You might try going there and browsing under, um, hmm, I don't know, maybe skins?
Wow, what lazyness. Every thread. JK3Files and PCGameMods have SEARCH functions for a reason!
ive searched. force temple, lucas files, jk3, force.net, pcgamemods. i didnt see anything i like so i was just asking if anyone made any. ok. frickin child. always with you blah blah blah search this seach that. well i seach before asking ya know.
Yes you searched very good, but did you search through the files properly?
yes, i think. in pcgamemods.com theres a couple but they look crappy. in the other there where none.