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Starting items and attribute gain

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06-03-2004, 10:11 PM
I'm looking for how Attribute gain and starting items are handled within the game. I was going to try tinkering with the things the character gets on the Endar Spire, I'm just not sure where its stored, to put different things into the footlocker aboard... I thought it'd be somewhere in class templates or something, but I couldn't find it.
06-03-2004, 10:24 PM
attribute gain is probably a .2da files which in KotOR toll can be found under BIF's>2da>2da array I believe.

And as for placing items into the game where you want there are some threads that explain how if I find one I'll post the link.

Edit: check this thread out,
06-03-2004, 10:48 PM
Yes, but again, that thread appears to note a problem in that a whole gob of footlockers suddenly start having the same items in them... :)
06-03-2004, 11:43 PM
The footlocker at the beginning of the endar spire is populated by a script. The script places different items in the footlocker based on what class you are. I don't remember exactly what script it is, but I will try and look for it...
06-04-2004, 1:49 AM
The script you are looking for Jennaida is k_pend_chest02.ncs in the end_m01aa_s.rim. Since the source is not available, I have been looking for a way to decompile it so I can edit it, so far with no sucsess.

I do however have a working script that fires on Trask's dialog when he says "Now hurry up and grab your gear" that puts additional equipment from the game and from my 2 item packs into the Endar Spire starting footlocker pending on your starting class. I just started fooling with scripts last week and that was the first on my to-do list. :D

Jennaida PM me if you want a copy of the dialog and source script.

As far as attribute gain I believe it is hardcoded at 1 point every four levels though you can edit classes.2da with KT and put in whatever 6 attribute numbers for each class you want, I don't go above 20, save it to your override, then just use the recommend button in the game with a new character and the numbers you entered should show up and you should be ready to go.

I hope this helps.
06-04-2004, 2:15 AM
end_trask.utc (3341) file go to the inventory and add what ever you want to his inventory as son as he joins you, what is his becomes yours.

Open KT > rims > modules > end_m10aa_s.rim > Blueprint, Character > end_trask.utc (3341)

Inside you will see a button for inventory click it and along the left side you see all the game inventory, drag and drop item into the inventory area not the familiar equip screen. If you have a custom item you want added. Add anything then click to activate the node hit delete on keyboard and then type the your custom .uti name save the end_trask.utc to override and your done.

Hope this helps ;)

06-04-2004, 10:04 AM
here is the script you can attach to a dlg file to get items in the game:

void main()
object oPC = GetPCSpeaker();
CreateItemOnObject("my_item1", oPC);
CreateItemOnObject("my_item2", oPC);

for more info you can look at this thread:
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