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Bastila Kiss Animation

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06-03-2004, 4:36 PM
I was just wondering if anyone had been able to make an animation to replace the black screen that appears when you kiss Bastila on the Ebon Hawk.
06-03-2004, 4:51 PM
Until the model is fully cracked you'll have to continue to imagine what happened...:D
This is impossible for the moment.
06-03-2004, 5:06 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
Until the model is fully cracked you'll have to continue to imagine what happened...:D
This is impossible for the moment.

Ha I hope you don’t have to vivid of an imagination ;)

But seriously darth333 is absolutely right until we can export as well as import models and their separate animations and or make new cut scenes/ movies this can not be done
At the moment we are only just able to get the models in 3d apps some with animations but we still can’t export yet…..

 Colma Adawin
06-03-2004, 5:11 PM
this may seem a really stupid question but could we contact Lucasarts and say that a load (lie) of us are interested in the development for a kissing scene with Bastila?
06-03-2004, 5:20 PM
good luck with that, I don't know how "responsive" LucasArts is to their customers, but if they are like all the other companies that is a long shot.
06-03-2004, 8:20 PM
There's not a chance they'd invest the resources to add that to the game, sorry. :(
06-03-2004, 8:26 PM
please dont be stupid enough to contact lucasarts, they will shut us ALL down iwithn 24 of hearing that we are trying to mod
06-03-2004, 8:36 PM
Originally posted by Seprithro
please dont be stupid enough to contact lucasarts, they will shut us ALL down iwithn 24 of hearing that we are trying to mod

I second that. But really do you think they don't know about this forum? My guess is they know but have left it alone since no one's been bugging them for help.
06-03-2004, 10:32 PM
LucasArts won't even allow BioWare to go on and continue to make patches to fix real bugs which are still in the game!
(about pg 4 onwards)
 Colma Adawin
06-04-2004, 2:20 AM
I'll take that as a no then.
06-10-2004, 9:43 PM
Maybe we could form a team of elite moders and crack the model code?

P.S I only make the ideas I don't know !@#$%^&*() about moding.
06-10-2004, 9:51 PM
cchargin is working on it and already mage impressive progress in that regard :)
However, I don't know i the kiss animation will be a know, sometimes imagination is better :D
06-10-2004, 10:12 PM
I bet the devs hate not being able to make simple patches to their own game, I know that would bug the hell out of me.
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