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ideas for sabers

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 darth vandar
06-03-2004, 2:12 PM
ok i got an idea make a dubblebladed saber (oreange)
upgradeuble and normal stats and story like this:
when master vandar was a padwan he found a ancient crystal it was glowing like a star and it ful of energi.He know it was a power ful crystal
and he used it in he's lightsaber until he fought a dark jedi and lost he's sword and it has being lost sens then.

cool story hu?
and in naga sadow tomb on the statu i can be found is it an good idea?
well i would be greatfull if any one could make this lightsaber.
 Colma Adawin
06-03-2004, 3:20 PM
i like the story but:

He know it was a power ful crystal
and he used it in he's lightsaber until he fought a dark jedi and lost he's sword and it has being lost sens then.

Master Vandar losing his lightsabre? LoL, instead of 'lost it, mayb the Dark Jedi used force pulled the sabre and ran off with it to korriban, Naga Sadows tomb

its only my opinion, please dont take offence over this change, MattCole
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